Akparova Kuralai Garipollayevna

Doctor of medical centers


071400 Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey, Fizkulturnaya 2A str.,
Room: № 5

Medical Center

Main activities:


Providing emergency medical and pre-hospital medical
care to students and staff.
Organization and implementation of preventive and
anti-epidemic measures.
Organization and
control of staff and students undergoing fluorographic examinations and
follow-up examinations for tuberculosis.
Conducting and
organizing medical examinations of students when settling in dormitories and
the entire contingent.
· Conducting medical procedures in the conditions of
medical centers of educational buildings and ensuring timely consultations and
receiving medical care by students of primary health
care PHC.
Implementation of measures for hygienic
education of students, promotion of a healthy lifestyle and rational nutrition,
Monitoring of dispensary patients, disabled
people, pregnant female students.

  • Казакбаева Гульжан Сайлауовна

  • Токарова Гульжанат Апеновна

  • Макульбекова Майра Несипбековна