Nurlygul Yessengulova

Academic Secretary


071400, Republic of Kazakhstan, Abay Region, Semey, Glinki St., 20A
Room: 509

Academic council

Main activities:

1. The objectives of the Academic Council are: 

  • creating the necessary conditions for students and the teaching staff of the university in order to successfully implement educational programs; 
  • providing financial support, strengthening the material and technical base of the university; 
  • assistance to the further development of the university. 

2 Competence of the Academic Council: 

  • considers and submits proposals for consideration by the Board of Directors on the organizational structure of the University: creation, reorganization and liquidation of administrative, educational and scientific departments of the University (departments, faculties, laboratories and others); 
  • makes proposals for amendments and additions to the University's Charter; 
  • defines the university's development strategy; 
  • makes decisions on all fundamental issues of the organization of educational, research and economic activities of the university; 
  • hears annual reports of the rector, vice-rectors, heads of structural divisions on the forms and methods of conducting educational, research, educational, financial, economic, informational and international activities; 
  • defines new areas of training for specialists in the multi-level system of higher education, terms of study and approves educational programs in accordance with state mandatory education standards; 
  • reviews and recommends for publication monographs, textbooks, manuals and educational and methodological developments; 
  • decides on the transfer of students from a paid department to an educational grant; 
  • considers the main issues and makes decisions on the social development of the university; 
  • considers a long-term plan for the development of educational, laboratory and scientific laboratory facilities; 
  • approves the topics and scientific supervisors of students' theses, consultants of undergraduates and doctoral students on dissertation research; 
  • consideration of issues related to the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan of the University; 
  • considers and makes proposals to the Board on the procedure for using funds, as well as directions for reinvesting income received by the university through the provision of paid educational services, commercialization and sale of manufactured products; 
  • reviews and approves the internal regulations; 
  • considers issues on the nomination of university employees, creative teams for government awards, scientists and honorary titles, for prizes and scholarships, recommendations of candidates for participation in the republican competition "The Best University Teacher";
  • considers other issues of the university's activities that require a collegial decision.