AP19680272 "The worldview of the independence of poets-writers of the Abai region in the space of world thought (analysis of poets-writers)"
Supervisor: Toksambayeva Ayman Omarkanovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor-ORCID: 0000-0002-8744-2615, Scopus Author ID: 56184897700
It is known that after gaining our independence, there was a great breakthrough in Kazakh literature and spirituality. One of them is the formation of the Kazakh cultural national brand, the promotion of the Kazakh. The development of speech art of the Kazakh people during the period of independence is a manifestation of the development of national literature and culture. Modern speech art is an indicator of the great support and dignity of Kazakh literature and culture, its place in world literature, artistic consciousness in the development of civilization. Great thoughts about the integrity of the nation were boldly spoken after the years of the country's independence, and bold words urging the people to unity and solidarity can often be seen in the works of poets and writers. This itself took the form of ideological propaganda calling the younger generation to love the country, the Motherland. The need to study the topic arises from the formation of the Semey region into the Abay region. The relevance of the project is to study the rich literary heritage of poets-writers and the life and work of literary figures, to collect their works, to present their ideas and art. Because at present, conducting comprehensive scientific research based on the idea of "Worldview of Independence" in the speech art of regional poets-writers in determining the spiritual and literary identity of the newly formed region is one of the urgent issues in the modernization of society. The question of what innovations the period of independence brought to the art of modern speech, and what new names were introduced, worries any literary critic. In our project, we will try to find a solution to these problems, taking as our objective the comprehensive study of speech art during the period of independence of our country.
Тo collect, analyze, and comprehensively research the spiritual and literary heritage of poets-writers of the Abay region in the period of independence and promote it in a modern way.
- According to the results of a scientifically complex study of modern art of speech and independent worldview (analysis of the work of poets-writers in the Abay region), indexed in the Social Science Citation Index or Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database or peer-reviewed with a 35 (thirty-five) percentile according to CiteScore in the Scopus database 1 article in a scientific publication; Development of 2 articles in a peer-reviewed foreign and domestic publication recommended by the Quality Assurance Committee in the field of science and higher education;
- Development of anthological collection of poets-writers from Abai region;
- "Designing and creating a Web-application of poets-writers from the Abay region", replenishment with new scientific data.
- Compilation of a linguistic dictionary based on the works of poets and writers from the Abai region.
- Development of a monographic work on the artistic poetics of poets and writers from the Abai region.
According to the plan of the scientific project, an alphabetical inventory of poets and writers of the Abai region has been compiled. In accordance with the project, working trips to Kazakhstan and foreign libraries were arranged.
Study Team Members
Fullname: Ердембеков Бауыржан Амангельдыевич, филология ғылымдарының докторы, профессор
Scopus Id: 57204595664
Researcher Id:
ORCID: 0000-0003-0503-46__
Fullname: Мұқанова Қаршыға Қайроллақызы, педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент
Scopus Id:
Researcher Id:
ORCID: 0000-0002-8812-7625
Fullname: Самекбаева Эльмира Мақсұтқызы, филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент
Scopus Id:
Researcher Id:
ORCID: 0000-0002-7509-7025
Fullname: Смагулова Акмарал Тулеугазиновна, филология ғылымдарының кандидаты
Scopus Id:
Researcher Id:
ORCID: 0000-0003-0137-463_
Fullname: Аубакирова Карлыгаш Адильхановна, PhD
Scopus Id: 57205143914
Researcher Id:
ORCID: 0000-0002-1872-9591