Abdikarimova Toty Tleulesovna



Shugaeva 159\3
Room: -

Shakarim Higher College

Main activities:

Information about Shakarim Higher College
Shakarim Higher College was created on August 16, 2016 by the decision of the Academic Council of the Shakarim State University of Semey as a structural unit of the university.
Education is conducted on the basis of secondary and basic secondary education in full-time education. The educational process is in accordance with educational standards, standard curricula and work plans.
Today the college trains specialists in 16 specialties. High-quality innovative educational activities that meet the needs of modern Kazakhstani society are carried out by the teaching staff of the university. Teachers constantly improve their qualifications and attend special international and national courses.
The college's classrooms are equipped with modern technical equipment: multimedia classrooms, interactive whiteboards, computer classes. They have training and production workshops, educational and practical sites, educational farms and training grounds, and laboratories.
The college has a library with a reading room, the book fund of which is loaded with 58,181 educational, educational and methodological literature, including websites for electronic book carriers.
For college students there is a sports complex with a swimming pool and a gym for a healthy lifestyle.
Also, the dormitory, assembly hall, and assembly hall are equipped with a special dining room.
Nonresident students are also provided with dormitories.

To become a recognized college in the educational space that meets the requirements of society. Providing educational services for the training of qualified personnel.


Training of competitive technical and vocational education specialists capable of demonstrating high quality of training in accordance with market requirements


Organization of the educational process of the college in accordance with modern requirements for the training of young specialist

Admission rules
Educational work