Goal 10. Reduced inequalities
Shakarim University is committed to equality and has adopted an Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy, Equality and Inclusion Policy. The university has a coordinator for inclusive education (https://shakarim.edu.kz/pages/obrazovaniye/koordin...) and developed a roadmap for the implementation of inclusive education (https://shakarim.edu.kz/en/pages/obrazovaniye/koor...).
Report on gender pay gap for university staff published (https://semgu.kz/en/pages/index?pathway=universite...). The key indicators of the University Development Program include indicators of the share of women in the university management system at different levels.
International students are supervised by the Center for International Cooperation, which provides visa support and helps them adapt to the new environment. To this end, free Kazakh language courses are organized.
The university has a system of discounts in tuition fees, free accommodation in student houses for orphans, which allows to ensure the principle of equality.