press office of Shakarim University02 february 2024сапар, ғылыми әлеует, дәріс


Today, Akim of the region Abai Nurlan Urankhayev visited modern laboratories and research centers of the university in honor of the 90th anniversary of Shakarim University. 

During the visit, the mayor got acquainted with the ongoing projects and achievements. The Scientific Center "Radioecological Research" investigates the properties of substances by analytical methods, including chemical analysis, scanning electron microscopy, dosimetry, radiation monitoring. The center has several laboratories whose activities are aimed at studying the radioecological safety of the region.

In addition, he got acquainted with the activities of the research center, which unites young specialists in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry and engineering. It should be noted that these centers are working on scientific projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Shakarim University is conducting research work within the framework of the first program-targeted financing in the region in the amount of 450 million tenge. To date, the financial amount of the university's research works is about 1.5 billion tenge, - said the rector of the University Duman Orynbekov.

In turn, Nurlan Urankhaev noted the importance of research by university scientists for the future development of the region. Ideas and suggestions were expressed, and prospects for possible cooperation were discussed.

A "Lecture by Akim" in the TED Talks format was held for active university students. During the lecture, the mayor spoke about the plans for the development of the IT industry and artificial intelligence. He stressed the importance of the creative industry and supporting young people in their research and start-ups.

The visit of the akim of the region to the oldest university in the region has actually become a starting point for the development of innovative scientific research, which contributes to the establishment of partnership between the university and the state, supports active interaction between students and public services in the region. Today, it can be stated with confidence that in the year of the anniversary of the university, a new page opens in the matter of rapprochement with government officials who are directly interested in the development of the intellectual potential of the region.

Absence of work and abudance of food shall degade mankind.

Abay Kunanbaev

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