Academic mobility at own expense

Initial set of documents for academic mobility:

1) Application addressed to the Chairman of the Board-Rector (written by hand, signed by the dean and head of the department)

2) Student's transcript (copy and electronic version in pdf format)

3) Photo 3*4 (4 pcs)

4) Parental consent on the trip (written by hand, signed by the parent)

5) A letter of recommendation in English from the curator or a teacher of the department

6) Characteristics in English from the curator or a teacher of the department

7) Individual curriculum (copy and electronic version in pdf format)

8) File folder

9) Certificate of language proficiency with Intermediate B1 level (copy and scan)

10) Certificates, letters of appreciation, diplomas (if available) – copies and scans

11) Passport (copy and scan in pdf format)

12) Identity card (copy and photo)