Regulations on the scientific and technical council
- Area of use
This regulation has been developed with the aim of uniting students, undergraduates and doctoral students, as well as the teaching staff of the Shakarim University of Semey for the development of their creative and scientific potential.
- Normative references
- The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated July 27, 2007, No. 319-III;
- The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" with amendments and additions as of 11.07.2017;
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science" dated February 18, 2011 No. 407-IV Contents;
- Charter of the Shakarim University of Semey;
- Policy in the field of quality of NJSC "Shakarim University of Semey".
- General provisions
3.1 Scientific and Technical Council (hereinafter – STC) is a consultative and advisory body, carrying out, within the limits of its powers and activities, coordination of research work at the university.
3.2 The composition of the STC is formed from among the leading scientists and specialists of the university in the fields of science and is approved by the order of the Chairman of the STC.
3.3 The NTS has a chairman represented by the head of the university, his deputy, coordinator and technical secretary.
3.4 In its activities, the STC is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science", legislative acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts and this Regulation.
- The main tasks and functions of the STC activity
4.1 The main tasks of the STC are:
- consideration of strategic and current issues, coordination of the work of departments and scientific departments in the implementation of complex scientific and innovative projects;
- development of recommendations for the university management to improve the efficiency of scientific and technical activities;
- determining the topics of students' theses and dissertations of undergraduates and doctoral students, evaluating the effectiveness of research of students and undergraduates of basic departments;
- experimental development of the principles of formation and mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and technical activities and scientific support of industries;
- identification of priority and promising areas of scientific and technical activity that contribute to improving the efficiency of innovation activities and accelerating scientific and technological progress;
- determining the implementation strategy and monitoring the progress of applied research (hereinafter referred to as STC);
- coordination of the work of performers to perform the main tasks of research;
- preparation of proposals for the formation of research directions, development of plans for research and development work at the university;
- organization and conduct of research expertise for compliance with priority areas of science development;
- implementation of acceptance of individual stages and completed works, preparation of recommendations on their results.
4.2 To perform the assigned tasks, the STC performs the following functions:
- analyzes the current state of scientific and technical policy in the region and develops a strategy for the university's participation in these areas;
- organizes the review and expert evaluation of scientific projects, determines the development strategy of the university's scientific laboratories;
- develops recommendations on the choice of directions, the formation of plans and programs of research and development work;
- prepares proposals for the formation of a list of research and development works, the financing of which should be carried out at the expense of the local budget;
- reviews and evaluates the results of scientific research and development work carried out in accordance with the plans, develops recommendations on the directions of their further use;
- forms proposals for the nomination of authors and performers of research projects for the award of state prizes and other types of public encouragement and public recognition of their services;
- conducts discussions on: the main directions of scientific activity, the most important scientific problems, issues of coordination and creative cooperation with other scientific institutions, issues related to the training, retraining and advanced training of scientific personnel;
- considers proposals for the formation of new and implementation of existing republican and branch scientific and technical programs.
- Rights and obligations of STC members
- Members of the STC, in accordance with the decisions taken or on behalf of the Chairman of the STC, have the right to:
- to request from the heads of structural divisions of the university the information and materials necessary for the preparation of issues considered at the NTS;
- to involve employees of departments in coordination with their management to participate in the preparation of materials;
- to transfer to structural divisions for consideration and conclusion the materials received for consideration by the STC;
- participate in the work of permanent and temporary commissions for the consideration and preparation of draft decisions of the STC on certain issues;
- organize a preliminary examination of the materials scheduled for consideration at the STC, with the involvement of experts from among scientists and the most qualified specialists;
- request information from the university management on the implementation of decisions taken by the STC;
- if you disagree with the decision to reflect your dissenting opinion with a special entry in the minutes of the STC meeting.
- The members of the STC are obliged to attend the meetings and actively participate in their work, implement the decisions of the STC, the instructions of the chairman on the preparation of issues for the meeting of the STC (conducting expert examinations, preparing reports and draft decisions, etc.).
- Rules of work
6.1. Meetings of the STC are held in accordance with the work plan approved by the Chairman (Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation). As necessary, extraordinary meetings of the STC are held.
6.2. The Chairman organizes the work in accordance with the approved plan and conducts the meetings of the STC. In the absence of the Chairman, his functions are performed by a deputy.
6.3. The Coordinator carries out the current work on the preparation (notification of the members of the STC about the regular meetings) and holding the meetings of the STC.
6.4. The minutes of the meetings of the STC, registration and distribution of documentation are provided by the technical secretary.
6.5. Decisions are made if at least half of the permanent members of the NTS are present at the meeting; a decision is considered adopted if at least 2/3 of the permanent members of the STC present voted for it.
6.6. Decisions of the STC are made by open voting. By a simple majority of votes, the NTS may decide to hold a secret ballot on any issue within its competence.
6.7. The decisions of the Council are advisory in nature. To make the decisions of the STC mandatory, an order of the rector is issued on the merits of the issue.
6.8. The material and technical support of the STC is carried out by the university.
- Structure
7.1. The composition of the STC by position includes: the vice-rector, scientists of the university.
7.2. Permanent members who are introduced into the STC on the basis of representations of the structural divisions of the university from among the leading scientists and specialists.
7.3. The personal composition of the STC, including the candidacy of the deputy chairman of the STC, the coordinator and the technical secretary, are considered at the first meeting of the STC, and on the basis of the decision taken, it is approved by the order of the rector.
7.4. Employees of third-party organizations may join the STC as associate members on the recommendation of the Rector's Office.
- Research laboratories and centers
- Shakarim Museum
- Startup projects
- Scientific projects
- Purchase
- Commercialization
- Scientific actions
- Publications of university scientists in peer-reviewed international databases
- Scientific publications
- Conference materials
- Bulletin of Shakarim University. Series of technical sciences
- Bulletin of Shakarim University. Historical Sciences Series
- Bulletin of Shakarim University. Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences series
- Bulletin of Shakarim University. Philology series
- Bulletin of Shakarim University. Economic sciences series
- Our partners
- Scientific and technical council
- Research work of students
- Dissertation councils
- External regulatory documents
- Regulations on the Dissertation Council
- Ethical commission
- Composition of dissertation councils
- Information on the availability of a licensed borrowing detection system
- The materials of dissertation defence
- Dissertation Council Report
- Rules for the design of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
- Applicants for academic titles
- The best university teacher
- Scientific equipment