Chairman: Kalibekkyzy Zhanar – Member of the board – vice-rector for science, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor
Secretary: Kainarbekova Tolganay Kainarbekkyzy – specialist at the center for scientific research Organizations. head of the center for organizing scientific innovation;
Council members:
1. Kakimov Aitbek Kalievich – doctor of technical sciences, professor of the department of biotechnology;
2. Amirkhanov Kumarbek Zhunusbekovich – doctor of technical sciences, Professor of the department of food technology;
3. Dyusembayev Sergazy Turlybekovich – doctor of veterinary sciences, professor of the department of veterinary medicine;
4. Atantayeva Bakyt Zhumagazievna – doctor of historical sciences, professor of the department of history;
5. Dulatbay Erasyl Altayuly – member of the board –vice-rector for internationalization and innovation;
6. Evlampieva Elena Petrovna – Candidate of biological sciences, acting associate professor, coordinator;
7. Nurgazezova Almagul Nurgazezovna – Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, рead of the сenter for training and certification of scientific personnel;
8. Klivenko Alexey Nikolaevich – PhD, head of the scientific center «Radioecological research»;
9. Baykadamova Asemgul Madeniyetovna– PhD, head of the center for organizing scientific innovation;
10. Sugirbay Adilet Mukhituly – PhD, Science Professor, head of the innovation development center;
11. Kozhakhmetova Dinara Oshanovna – PhD, dean of the faculty of higher school of artificial intelligence and construction;
12. Khasenova Klara Ergeshbaevna – Candidate of economic sciences, department of higher school of business;
13. Mukaev Zhandos Toleubekovich – PhD, associate professor, dean of the graduate school of natural sciences;
14. Bolkenov Bakytzhan Turgazyevich – PhD, science professor, department of veterinary medicine;
15. Belenko Oksana Gennadievna – Candidate of psychological sciences, acting associate professor of the department of psychology;
16. Koigeldinova Ainur Sembayevna – Candidate of veterinary sciences of the department of veterinary;
17. Kasymov Askar Bagdatovich – PhD, acting Associate Professor, Dean of the Research School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists;
18. Kasymova Asem Alenovna – PhD, dean of the higher school of philology;
19. Dyusekenova Indira Muratovna – PhD, head of the department of russian language and literature;
20. Sarsembayeva Asel Serikovna – PhD, Science Professor, department of construction and geodesy;
21. Satbaeva Zarina Askarbekovna – PhD, Science Professor, department of veterinary medicine;
22. Sakhariev Ernur Sametuly – 2nd year doctoral student, group DVM-301., educational program «8D09101 – Veterinary Medicine»;
23. Tursyngalieva Balnur Erzhankyzy – 1st year master’s student, group MBL-2401, educational program «7M01201 – Biology».
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