Minor «Geography of tourism and local history»

Students get acquainted with the theoretical and methodological foundations of the geography of tourism and local history, with the main trends in the development of international tourism. They form knowledge about the natural, historical, cultural, socio-economic, geopolitical and environmental features of the main tourist regions of the world, including Kazakhstan.


Formed key competencies

Learning outcomes

Students acquire knowledge about the formation and development of tourism, its place in society, the functions of international tourism in modern socio-economic conditions of society, tourist and recreational resources of Kazakhstan.


Students will learn how to analyze and identify various types of problematic situations in the tourism industry, compile a comprehensive tourist characteristic of a country, region, identify and evaluate factors affecting the placement of tourist centers in the world.


To identify current trends in the development of tourist infrastructure and analyze their impact on the formation of tourist flows at the regional and international level, as well as to develop innovative directions in the organization of tourist and local history activities that contribute to the development of domestic and inbound tourism 




Minor Courses



Fundamentals of tourism and local history


In the course of studying the discipline, it provides students with information about the theoretical foundations of tourism, with the basic concepts of the tourism industry, evaluates the economic and social effectiveness of tourism and forms knowledge about the main factors affecting tourism. Special attention is paid to the study of local history material and its interpretations in the framework of scientific and professional activities, including in the development of new tourist and excursion routes.



Geography of international tourism


The discipline reveals modern research methods in the field of international tourism, factors that determine the spatial development of tourism, natural and anthropogenic components that make up tourism resources, as well as prerequisites for the organization and development of tourism in the territory of tourist macroregions and subregions of individual countries. The course is aimed at studying the essence of the geography of international tourism as a complex system within the framework of world experience, the foundations for the formation of the main tourist flows of international tourism.


Tourist and recreational resources of Kazakhstan        

The discipline is aimed at studying the principles of formation of tourist and recreational resources, their study in order to popularize domestic and inbound tourism. The course provides complete information about natural, historical, archaeological, architectural and other objects of tourist interest in Kazakhstan and their transformation into tourist centers in the context of the modern development of sustainable tourism. Students will get acquainted with recreational resources, tourist development and prospects for the development of tourism in Kazakhstan.

