Minor «Psychology of career building»

The presented course will expand the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of self-management of career development and career planning, primarily at the individual psychological and socio-psychological level. The disciplines are complex in nature and contribute not only to raising awareness in the field of psychology of professional activity, but also to the development of a systematic view of the profession and oneself in the profession. This course will allow you to form a number of universal skills and abilities necessary for working together with other people.


Formed key competencies

Learning outcomes

To form a modern scientific understanding of the psychological phenomenon of "career" and to form skills and abilities for planning and organizing both personal careers and client careers.

  •  the ability to work with the organization's personnel in order to select personnel and create a psychological climate;
  •  willingness to lead a team in the field of their professional activities, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences; - readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential.
  • to put into practice the technologies of career planning and management and professional development;
  • practically observe and record the psychological features of professional formation and career;
  • master the basic concepts of career psychology and the tools for adapting a person to globalization, uncertainty and negative factors of the social and professional environment.





Minor Courses



Management psychology

The program of the discipline is focused on the theoretical and practical training of students in the field of management psychology, the knowledge gained during the development of the discipline will expand the professional horizons of students and form their socio-psychological competence, which is one of the professionally significant qualities of a modern manager.


Psychological management

The course will help to form a holistic view of management psychology as a branch of psychological science that considers the laws of human resource management in a modern organization. This discipline will lay the foundations of psychological competence in solving problems of increasing production efficiency based on knowledge of advanced technologies and methods of personnel management.


Practical psychological counseling for career building

The course will help students develop professional knowledge about the essence, goals,objectives and basic principles of psychological counseling and career building as a means of providing psychological assistance to clients who have personal, professional, socio-psychological difficulties and other psychological problems.  Students will acquire diagnostic skills in assessing professionally significant qualities and personality traits; the ability to develop recommendations on methods of effective job search, preparation for selection tests when applying for a job.

