Minor «Language and Communication»

In the modern world, language is viewed both as an object of study and as a communication tool. The new conditions of the ultra-modern society have radically changed the tasks of training foreign language specialists. The new human community requires not just teachers and translators, but more advanced specialists, experts in international and intercultural communication, which is not limited to the actual knowledge of the language. Knowledge of a foreign language implies a deep study of the socio-cultural, ethnocultural and linguacultural, geopolitical aspects of the source and target cultures.



Formed key competencies

Learning outcomes

Improving communication skills in a foreign language at a sufficient level for the implementation of professional and other types of activities.

The ability to carry out written and oral communication through language, adequately using the system of speech and language norms and choosing the correct communicative behavior that corresponds to an authentic language situation, the ability to cooperate with partners from other cultures in a professional context.

1. Knows the ways of forming and expressing thoughts in a foreign language in various communicative situations.

2. Understands and successfully implements in speech various communicative statements corresponding to the communicative situations

3. Have skills of academic writing to solve problems in the field of professional activity



Minor Courses



Practice of foreign language communication

The course is aimed at achieving such a level of   foreign language proficiency that will allow the student to respond flexibly to all kinds of unforeseen communicative situations, to accurately choose specific lexical and grammar  language means, to understand and master speech techniques inherent to native foreign  speakers.


Business correspondence

The course is relevant for modern society and involves familiarizing students with the norms of business correspondence, systematization and correct use of information, with the basic rules and norms of business speech etiquette. The course gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with the modern principles of conducting business conversations in oral and written form with foreign partners. The course provides for the formation of skills in working with documents and special literature, and conducting research work


Geography and culture of foreign-speaking countries

The content of the course gives a holistic idea of ​​foreign-speaking countries and forms knowledge about the foundations of political culture, the main trends in the development of democracy, the constitutional foundations of the state, the cultural traditions of foreign-speaking countries. In the course of studying the discipline, the student will fully acquire knowledge about the cultural, political, social and other aspects of the target language, which is necessary to carry out successful communication with native speakers, as well as for solving certain problems in the learning process and (or) professional activity.
