Minor "The legal support of human rights and liberties"

In the training of any specialist, at present, the importance of obtaining legal knowledge is increasing. In this regard, this program will allow students of any specialty to gain additional knowledge and skills, which will allow them to have an idea of the law and how to ensure and protect it. As a result of studying this program, the student will gain knowledge and understanding about the types of rights, ways to ensure and protect it, the organization of legal records management at the enterprise and the content of the civil law contract and its elements.


Formed key competencies

Learning outcomes

Obtaining additional knowledge and skills about the law, ways to ensure it and protect it

  • the ability to ensure compliance with the law by legal entities
  • ability to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • ability to legally correctly qualify facts and circumstances
  • possession of skills in preparing legal documents

He knows what law is, distinguishes the types and content of rights, owns the main methods of ensuring rights, is able to organize the sorting of legal data at the enterprise, has a vision of ways and methods of protecting and restoring violated rights, understands the content and elements of a civil law contract and is able to adjust the contract according to the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the norms of the enterprise.




Minor Courses



Protection of human rights

The course "Protection of Human Rights" is a special one in the system of training students in all specialties. To familiarize students with such problems as the protection of human rights, the definition of ways and methods of protecting human rights and freedoms.; To familiarize students with the system of civil, criminal and civil-law methods of protection of rights; To instill the skills of self-selection of ways and methods of protection of rights and freedoms.


Legal record keeping

The creation of any document requires compliance with certain rules for recording information established by legal regulations for each type of document. Compliance with these rules gives legal force to the documents created. Legal force– a property of an official document, communicated to it by the current legislation, the competence of the issuing authority and the established procedure for its registration. The legal force of the document is provided by the set of details established for each type of document – mandatory elements of the document design. Modern requirements for the design of organizational and administrative (administrative) documentation are fixed in state standards.


Contract law

The most important fundamental requirement of the work of the whole society is the functioning of the contract. The category-contract reflects the laws that relate to the essential features of this type of society regarding the rules of relations between the subjects of this society, as well as the requirements that meet natural human rights. The contract is one of the key elements of the rule of law in the economy, a tool for democratizing the economy and society. Students have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a future specialist in any field, namely:

- legal regulation of contractual relations;

- establishing the legal nature of individual, new, unnamed contracts

- regulation of the procedure for concluding, changing and terminating contracts;

- regulation of the liability of the subjects of contractual legal relations.
