About the university


Shakarim University is a modern educational, methodological, scientific and cultural center in the north-eastern region of Kazakhstan.

Shakarim University is a university set up on the basis of pedagogical, zoo-veterinary, financial, economic and technological institutes.

Shakarim University is a multidisciplinary university with big experience.

Shakarim University is the university where study about 7 thousand students, undergraduates and PhD students from 5 faculties in 45 undergraduate specialties, 37 master’s and 10 PhD programs.

Shakarim University is a highly-demanded and highly-qualified teaching staff  of 971 teachers and other employees, including 28 doctors of sciences, professors, 155 candidates of sciences, associate professors, and 181 holders of master degree.

Shakarim University is the university where the credit technology of education has been introduced since 2004, since 2009 distance learning program (DOT) has been implemented.

Shakarim University is the institution with sufficient material and technical facilities. There are 12 Academic campuses, fully-equipped laboratories and workshops, a well-stocked Library (more than 700 thousand books), supplied with a Multimedia library and Reading Room, a computer parking (more than 1300 computers), a swimming pool and 2 gyms, 2 sports complexes with a specially equipped football field, a Health Center, a Student House, and apartment-type dormitories.

Shakarim University is the institution where 70 university scientists are holders of the state title «The Best University teacher».

Shakarim University is the university with a wide international collaboration networking in the USA, China, Mongolia, Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Japan, Turkey, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic countries.