Trade union organization

Chairperson: Kurmambaeva Karlygash Soltanbekovna
Address: Танибергенова 1, 2 этаж, кабинет 208
e-mail: ка
Mission – representation and protection of labor, as well as other socio-economic rights and interests of its members.
Basic goals:
- unification and coordination of the activities of trade union members in solving common problems;
- development and adoption of a collective agreement and other agreements, monitoring their implementation;
- control over compliance with labor laws and regulations at the university;
- providing support in organizing the rehabilitation of teaching staff, employees and their children;
- representation and participation in the work of the Academic Council and the University Commission on Labor and Social Issues.
- and economic protection of members of the Trade Union, provision of legal and advisory assistance, protection of their rights and legitimate interests when applying to the court or other law enforcement agencies;
- involvement of new members in the composition of the Trade Union and the creation of new structural divisions.
Actually implemented activities
At the beginning of the new year, the chairman of the trade union committee makes a report on the past year and approves the work plan for the next. Control is carried out over the implementation of the main points of the collective agreement, the distribution of duties between the members of the trade union committee, labor protection and inspection of work safety.
Represents and participates in the work of academic councils and commissions of the university and faculties.
The trade union committee provides sponsorship to organize, for example: the following events: International Women's Day, Nauryz Meiramy, Victory Day, New Year, etc. Also, the trade union committee provides financial support for faculty events.
In the winter and summer period, among the teaching staff and university employees, sports and athletics competitions "Cheerfulness and health" are held. The trade union committee provides charitable assistance for their organization and implementation.
Prof. Org. Provides attention and support to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the labor of the university.
Members of the trade union committee:
1. Bozhko M.V.
2.Esembekova Z.Zh
3.Kaysanov S.B.
4. Korabaev Zh.Z.
5.Mambetbaeva R.S.
6.Mansurov S.M.
7.Musagalieva K.A.
8.Tynybaeva Zh.T.
Chairman of the Control and Auditing Commission of the PPO - Ismailova G.K.
Technical inspector for labor protection and safety measures - Zharykbasov E.S.
- Virtual tour
- About the university
- History of University
- Shakarim
- Corporate governance
- University rectors
- The academic council
- Basic documents
- Awards
- Internal quality assurance system
- Trade union organization
- Anti-corruption
- State procurements
- Sustainable development
- Veterans organization
- Contacts and requisites
- Jobs
- Public Fund "Shakarim Shapagaty"
- University structure
- Shakarim High School
- Reception schedule