Places of practices of NC JSC "Shakarim University of Semey city" for the 2023-2024 academic year
No |
Code and name of the educational program |
base of practice |
contract term |
The Department of technological equipment and machine engeneering |
1 |
6В11301 - Organization of transportations, motions and exploitation of transport |
«" branch of JSC "KCH-Cargo transportation" АҚ филиалы- "Semipalatinsk branch of BP", Semey, Abay region. |
15.06.2022 - 15.08.2027 |
2 |
6В07105 – Technological Machine and Equipment |
LLP "Semnan", Families .., Abai region |
15.06.2022 - 24.06.2027 |
FE "Altaev", Families .., Abai region |
15.09.2022 - 26.06.2026 |
LLP "KondiZ distribution", Families .., Abai region |
15.06.2022 - 26.06.2025 |
LLP "Kazakh processing and food industries, scientific research Institute", Families .., Abai region |
15.09.2022 - 26.06.2026 |
3 |
6В07106 – Mechanical Engineering |
"Semey engineering" JSC" Semey ,., Abai region |
22.12.2021 - 31.12.2025 |
LLP "SemAZ" Families .., Abai region |
15.06.2022 - 31.12.2025 |
LLP PKF Families Steel service" Families .., Abai region |
15.06.2022 - 24.06.2025 |
The Department of Food production technology and biotechnology |
1 |
6В05102 - Biotechnology |
"Kliknuli" K/Kh , Semey, East Kazakhstan |
13.01.2022 -31.08.2026 |
"East-Milk LLP Corporation", Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan |
13.01.2022 - 31.12.2027 |
LLP "KondiZ distribution", Families .., Abai region |
09.01.2023 - 09.01.2028 |
LLP"Semnan", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
13.01.2022 - 31.12.2027 |
"Bagration-Ulan" LLP VKO, YuLAN district, village Proletarka |
20.10.2021-31.12.2026 |
Emil, too g. Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-open-ended |
JSC "FoodMaster Company", Almaty region, Esik. |
30.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
LLP "Qazaq Astyq Group" Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 26.11.2021-31.12.2026 |
LLP "Global invest International" |
04.11.2023-31.08.2028 |
"Moloko", JSC "Pavlodar region, Pavlodar,. |
30.12.2021-31.08.2026 |
2 |
6B07202 - Technology of Food Products |
- SP " A "Masaeva.T. sausage shop, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-31.12.2027 |
"Qazaq Astyq Group" LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 26.11.2021-31.12.2026 |
"Kalikanuly" farm (Aisha), Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 13.01.2022- |
31.08.2026 "Halva" LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 30.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
" Vostok-Moloko Corporation LLP", Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-31.12.2027 |
"Emil" LLP, Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-unlimited |
Railway station "Serafima Nikolaevna Kuzmitskaya" cafe "Lido", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-31.12.2027 |
"Bagration-Ulan", East Kazakhstan region LLP, YuLan district, Proletarka, village |
20.10.2021-31.12.2026 |
G / K "Zeynegabidenova U. U. "Restaurant " Meiman", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-31.12.2027 |
3. |
6B07201-Technology of processing industries |
LLP" KondiZ distribution", Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-09.01.2028 |
LLP"Semnan", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-31.12.2027 |
Railway Station "Raushan Mukhazhanova Muratkanovna ""Urankhai", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-31.12.2027 |
Department of Technical Physics and Heat |
Power Engineering 1 |
6B07103- Power Engineering |
State Enterprise "Teplokommunenergo" Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 10.02.2022-01.05.2026 |
2 |
6B05303-Technical physics |
"Center of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology of Semey", KGP on PCW, Semey, JSC |
01.09.2023-01.09.2024 |
Semtorgtechnika LLP Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 10.06.2023-01.05.2026 |
"National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in RSE on PCW of East Kazakhstan region, Kurchatov. |
15.04.2021-01.07.2024 |
Kazpoligraf LLP |
07.01.2022-01.05.2026 |
The Department of Applied physics and heat power engineering |
1 |
6B05301- Chemistry |
Kazzinc LLP, Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan |
region 04.03.2019-31.12.2023 |
2 |
Abay region Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Russian State University "Department of Environmental Management" ecology on |
18.04.2023-31.12.2028 |
LLP "Plant of Polymer Products" Semey k., East Kazakhstan |
Region 04.09.2023-31.12.2028 |
KSU.T. Im Secondary School No. 16 "Semey, Abay region from |
20.06.202019-31. 12.2024 |
KSU "Secondary school No.28 Secondary school", Semey, Abay region |
04.09.2023-31.12.2028 |
KSU " secondary School No.23 Secondary School", Semey, Abay region |
04.09.2023-31.12.2028 |
KSU "Secondary School No.31 Secondary School", Semey, Abay region |
17.10.2022-01.09.2027 |
"QAZAQ ASTYQGROUP LLP" Semey k., East Kazakhstan |
region 27.01.2022-27.01.2027 |
LLP"Semei Creamery" |
15.06.2022-31.12.2025 |
"Caustic" JSC. Pavlodar |
01.11.2022-31.12.2027 |
Semey "engineeringandring" JSC |
28.02.2023-31.12.2028 |
LLP "Construction materials Semey, Semey k., East Kazakhstan |
region 04.09.2023-31.12.2028 |
"National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan"RSE |
10.08.2022-10.08.2027 |
3 |
6B05201 - Ecology |
, LLP "QAZAQ ASTYQGROUP" Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 27.01.2022-27.01.2027 |
LLP " Sem"creamery" |
15.06.2022-31.12.2025 |
Abay region Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Russian State University "Department of Ecology for |
18.04.2023-31.12.2028 |
"Caustic" AK Pavlodar k., |
01.11.2022-31.12.2027 |
Semey "engineeringandring" JSC |
28.02.2023-31.12.2028 |
LLP " construction materials Semey, Semey k., East Kazakhstan |
region 04.09.2023- |
31.12.2028 "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan" RSE |
10.08.2022-10.08.2027 |
RK RSE "Tarbagatai State National Nature Park" |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
LLP "construction materials Semey, Semey k., East Kazakhstan |
region 04.09.2023-31.12.2028 |
4 |
6B11201 – Safety and Environmental Protection |
"engineering Semeyandring" JSC |
28.02.2023-31.12.2028 |
LLP "Semey" construction materials in Moscow.Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 04.09.2023-31.12.2028 |
"National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan" RSE |
10.08.2022-10.08.2027 |
"Family Creamery" LLP |
15.06.2022-31.12.2025 |
"Kazselezashchita" Ministry of Emergency Situations branch of the State Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Abay Territorial Operational Management" |
17.10.2022-01.09.2027 |
Department of Automatization, Information Technology and Urban Planning |
1 |
6B06103 - Information systems |
"Semey Medical University"i"INAO Hospital University, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 22.12.2021- |
31.12.2025 Population Services" in Semey. "Government for Citizens" State Corporation "branch of JSC |
DO 13.01.2022-31.12.2026 |
KSU "Scientific and Practical Education and Tourism |
region 05.04.2021-31.12.2026 |
LLP "SemAZ" in Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 13.01.2022-31.12.2024 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 38 Secondary School-lyceum", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 22.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
"Pozharnaya Bezopasnost" LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 02.12.2020-31.12.2024 |
"Spetsmontazhproekt" LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
02.12.2020-31.12.2024 |
Semey Steel Service LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan regionregion 02.12.2020-31.12.2024" Semey Steel Service " LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 02.12.2020- |
ЖШС31.12.2024 "iMAS GROUP" LLP Semey Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 08.07.2022- |
31.12.2025 "ITSALE"LLP Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 22.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
JSC "Semey Engineering" Semey, Abay region |
28.02.2023-31.12.2028 |
PC "Devices and Automation" Semey, Abay region |
28.02.2023-31.12.2028 |
2 |
6B06104 – Computer Engineering and Software |
Pozharnaya Bezopasnost LLP, Semey, |
02.12.2020-31.12.2024 |
Spetsmontazhproekt LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan region |
East Kazakhstan region 02.12.2020-31.12.2024 Spetsmontazhproekt LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan region 02.12.2020-31.12.2024 |
Semey Steel Service LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan regionПКФ» Semey Steel Service LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan region |
02.12.2020-31.12.2024 |
KSU "Scientific and Practical Education and Tourism |
05.04.2021-31.12.2026 |
ЖШС, East Kazakhstan region 05.04.2021-31.12.2026 "iMAS GROUP" Семей Semey Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 08.07.2022- |
31.12.2025 Population Services " in Semey. "Government for Citizens" State Corporation "branch of JSC UNTIL |
13.01.2022-31.12.2026 |
"Semey Medical University "I" NAO Hospital University, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 22.12.2021-31.12.2025 |
Kazpoligraf LLP, Semey, Abay region |
29.06.2022-31.12.2025 ITSALE |
LLP Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 22.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
KondiZ distribution LLP, Semey. Abay |
region.10.20226.10.202 2-31.12.2028 |
JSC "Semey engineering" Semey. Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2026 |
PC "Devices and automation", Semey. Abay region |
28.02.2023-31.12.2028 |
3 |
6B07104 - Autoматion and control |
LLP " Kazpoligraf", Semey, Abay region |
29.06.2022-31.12.2025 |
LLP "PKF "Semey Steel Service", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 02.12.2020-31.12.2024 |
LLP "Fire safety", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 02.12.2020-31.12.2024 |
LLP "Specialmontazhproekt", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 02.12.2020-31.12.2024 |
State Enterprise "Teplokommunenergo" Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 02.12.2020-31.12.2025 |
"Semey Medical University"i" NAO Hospital University, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 22.12.2021- |
31.12.2025 "ITSALE" LLP Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 22.12.2021- |
31.12.2026 "KondiZ distribution" LLP, Semey. Abay |
region.10.20226.10.202 2-31.12.2028 |
JSC "Semey Engineering" Semey. Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2026 |
RSE ON PVC "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
01.11.2023-29.04.2024 |
PC "Devices and automation", Semey. Abay region |
28.02.2023-31.12.2028 |
4 |
6B07301 - Geodesy and Cartography |
Architecture-N LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 05.04.2021-31.08.2026 |
GeoSemStroyProekt LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 26.11.2021-31.12.2025 |
Zhana Zhol Design Firm LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
05.04.2021-31.08.2026 |
region 05.04.2021-31.08.2026 Vostok-Stroy Company LLPSemey |
02.02.2021-31.12.2024 |
, East Kazakhstan region 02.02.2021-31.12.2024 Dorozhno Asil Group LLP Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 23.11.2021-31.12.2025 |
Damu Stroy LTD LLP Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 23.11.2021- |
31.12.2025 Arlan Montazh Stroy KZLLP Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 20.10.2021-31.1.2026.1branch of Gidrostroymontazh LLP.2026 |
Branch of LLP"Hydrostroymontazh" |
31.12.2021-31.12.2027 |
"National Center of Geodesy and Information Space" |
04.08.2022-31.12.2024 |
GEOID LLP, Semey, Abay region |
02.11.2022- |
Zh30.08.2027 IAND Semstroyproekt LLP, Semey. |
13.12.2022-31.08.2027 |
and ZPM CDI In "Geodesy and Cartography "Committee" and KAO RG "RSE on PHV "Vostokgeodeziya" branch in Semey, Abay region |
18.04.2023-28.08.2028 |
5 |
6B07302 – Civil engineering |
, TOO "Company Vostok-Stroy", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 02.02.2021-31.12.2024 |
LLP " Dorozhno Asil Group " Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 23.11.2021-31.12.2025 |
"Damu Stroy LTD" LLP Semey, |
23.11.2021-31.12.2025 |
East Kazakhstan Region 23.11.2021-31.12.2025 "Arlan Montazh Stroy KZ"LLP Semey, East Kazakhstan Region |
20.10.2021-31.1.2026.12.2026 |
"Gidrostroymontazh" branch, of Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 31.12.2021-31.12.2027 |
"Partnenergo LTD" LLP Semey, East Kazakhstan Region East Kazakhstan |
Region 02.02.2021-31.12.2024 |
Semey Construction Materials LLP, Semey |
20.10.2021-31.12.2026 |
, East Kazakhstan region 20.10.2021-31.12.2026 Stroy Turmeric Company LLP, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 23.11.2021- |
31.12.2025 GEOID LLP, Semey, Abay region |
02.11.2022- |
Zh30.08.2027 IAND Semstroyproekt LLP, Semey. |
13.12.2022-31.08.2027 |
LLP branch of"Firm Asia" LLP plant of Iron and concrete products, in Semey. |
13.12.2022- |
31.08.2027 Siteco LLP, Semey. Abay region, |
24.10.2023-31.12.2028 |
6 |
6B06106 - SMART systems and programming |
"Scientific and Practical Center of Tourism and Education", Semey State University. Abay region |
08.09.2023-31.12.2028 |
" Title Agency, Sole Proprietor " Semey. Abay region |
11.09.2023-31.12.2026 |
№ |
Code and name of the educational program |
bases of practice |
contract term |
Department of Physical-Mathematical Sciences and informatics |
1 |
6B01501 - Mathematics 6B01502- Mathematics-Informatics 6B01503- Mathematics and Physics |
" G. Satpayeva, KSU " Secondary School No. 2 in Semey. |
09.01.2023-31.12.2026 |
"No. 3 ZHOBBMK KSU", Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
"No. 7, secondary school-lyceum", Semey KSU. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
T".Secondary school No. 16 Secondary school", KSU Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
"Secondary school No. 23", KSU Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2025 |
" KSU " secondary school No. 25 in Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
"Secondary school No. 27", KSU Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
" Secondary school No. 32 " Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
named after Alikhan Bokeikhan "Secondary school No. 39 "KSU", Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
"Secondary school No. 40 "KSU", Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
A".Name of a. Baitursynova secondary school No. 47 "KSU", Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2025 |
"No. 49 in KSU" Secondary school of Semey. |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
physical and mathematical direction " Nazarbayev Intellectual School, Semey. |
13.12.2022-20.09.2027 |
2 |
6B01501 - Mathematics 6B01502- Mathematics-Informatics |
"Secondary School No. 30 "KSU", Semey. |
01.09.2023-01.09.2026 |
named after Ibrai Altynsarin " KSU secondary School No. 37, Semey. |
01.09.2023-01.09.2028 |
3 |
6B01504 - Physics |
"No. 3 ZHOBBMK KSU", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
T".Secondary school No. 16 Secondary school, Semey, EKR |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
"Secondary School No. 23" , KSU Semey, EKR |
15.06.2022-23.06.2025 |
"SECONDARY School No. 25", KSU Semey, EKR |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
named after Alikhan Bokeikhan "Secondary School No. 39" KSU Semey, EKR |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
" No. 49 Secondary school, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
"No. 7, Secondary School-Lyceum", KSU Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 22.12.2021-31.12.2024 of the2024 |
Physical and mathematical direction " Nazarbayev Intellectual Technologies school, Semey. |
04.08.2022-20.09.2027 |
"Imeni Ibrai Altynsarin №37gimnaziyasy KSU", Semey, Abay region |
01.09.2023-01.09.2028 |
4 |
6B01505 - Physics-Informatics |
"№3 ZHOBBMK KSU", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
T".Secondary school No. 16 Secondary school, Semey, EKR |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
"Secondary School No. 23" , KSU Semey, EKR |
15.06.2022-23.06.2025 |
"SECONDARY School No. 25", KSU Semey, EKR |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
named after Alikhan Bokeikhan "Secondary School No. 39" KSU Semey, EKR |
15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
" No. 49 Secondary school, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 15.06.2022-23.06.2027 |
"No. 7, Secondary School-Lyceum", KSU Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 22.12.2021-31.12.20242024 |
Physical and mathematical direction Astana Semey Intellectual School. |
04.08.2022-20.09.2027 |
"multi-specialty gymnasium named after Shakarim with training in three languages" KSU, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 24.08.2020-31.12.2023 |
named after Ibrai Altynsarin "KSU secondary school No. 37, Semey, Abay region |
01.09.2023-01.09.2028 |
5 |
6B01507 - Computer Science and Robotics |
T".Secondary school No. 16 Secondary school, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 15.06.2022-20.06.2027 |
"No. 49 in KSU" Secondary School Semey. |
15.06.2022-20.06.2027 |
" KSU " secondary school No. 25 in Semey. |
15.06.2022-20.06.2027 |
A.Ksu "Secondary school No. 47 "KSU", Semey. |
15.06.2022-20.06.2025 |
named after Ibrai Altynsarin " KSU secondary school No. 37, Semey. |
01.09.2023-01.09.2028 |
"multi-specialty named after Shakarim with training in three languages of KSU" gymnasium No. 5, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 01.09.2023-01.09.2028 |
named after Alikhan Bokeikhan "Secondary school No. 39 "KSU", Semey. |
15.06.2022-26.06.2027 |
The Department of Physical Education and Sports |
1 |
6B01401 - Physical Culture and Sport |
KSU " and others.Secondary School No. 16 "Semey, Abay region |
01.06.2022-01.06.2025 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 19", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 01.06.2022-01.06.2025 |
KSU "East Kazakhstan region in Semey city SB-FC and No. 2 SDYUSSH" |
KSU "Sports Department of Semey city of East Kazakhstan region", SE "East Kazakhstan Youth Sports School in Semey city", Semey, Abay region |
01.06.2022-01.06.2025 |
KSU "city named after Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov No. 1 Olympic reserve," Children and youth sports School "Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 01.06.2022-01.06.2025 |
KSU" A " Named after Bokeikhanov Secondary School No. 39 "Semey, East Kazakhstan region |
01.06.2022-01.06.2025 |
KSU" Secondary School No. 23", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 01.06.2022-01.06.2025 |
KSU "No. 30ZHOBBM", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 31.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
KSU "No. 8 of artistic and aesthetic education and upbringing" Secondary school "complex", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 20.06.2020-20.06.2024 |
"Abay region Department of Physical Culture and Sports" of the state institution "Children's and youth sports school of the Olympic Committee Winter Sports Reserve" KSU |
13.02.2023-13.02.2026 |
"Shakarim multidisciplinary gymnasium with training in Three languages" KSU, Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 01.09.2023-01.09.2028 |
"Ssu named after multidisciplinary No.5 KSU" gymnasium, Semey, Abay region. |
06.09.2023-01.10.2025 |
KSU "Gymnasium No. 37 named after Ibrai Altynsarin ", Semey, Abay region. |
01.09.2023-01.09.2028 |
Department of Natural science disciplines |
1 |
6В01509- Chemistry-Biology |
KSU" Secondary School No. 31 ""Chemistry-Biology", |
Semey, |
KSU "Secondary School No. 19" from 24.08.2020-31.12.2023, |
Semey, |
KSU "SECONDARY School No. 27" from 30.12.2021-31.12.2024, Semey, KSU " East Kazakhstan |
Region 31.12.2021- |
31.12.2024"Secondary School No. 9", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 12.09.2022-31.12.2025 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 4", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 12.09.2022-31.12.2025 |
KSU "Gymnasium No. 37 named after Ybyrai Altynsarin" Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 12.09.2022-31.12.2025 |
2 |
6B01510 – Biology |
" Secondary School 30", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 09.03.2020- |
31.12.2023 KSU "Secondary School No. 3-complex", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 09.09.2020-31.12.2023 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 19", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 30.12.2021-31.12.2024 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 27-Lyceum", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 19.10.2021-31.12.2026 |
Semey Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics, Semey, |
02.02.2021-31.12.2023 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 9", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 12.09.2022-31.12.2025 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 4", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 12.09.2022-31.12.2025 |
KSU "Gymnasium No. 37 named after Ibrai Altynsarin " Semey, East Kazakhstan |
region 12.09.2022-31.12.2025 |
3 |
6В01512- Geography-History |
Gymnasium No. 37 named after Ibrai Altynsarin " |
Semey, |
KSU" Secondary school No. 31 "EKR |
22.12.2021-31.12.2025 |
, Semey, KSU" SECONDARY School No. 19 "EKR |
30.12.2021-31.12.2024, Semey, |
KSU" SECONDARY School No. 4 "EKR |
30.12.2021-31.12.2024 30.12.2021-31.12.2025 |
KSU "No. 11 Secondary School", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
Region 30.12.2021-31.12.2025 |
№ |
Code and name of the educational program |
base of practice |
contract term |
Department of Economics and Finance |
1 |
6B04105 / 5B050900- Finance 6B04109 - Accounting and finance 6B04104 / 5B050800 - Accounting and Audit
6B04101 / 5B050600 - Economics 6В04108- Economics and Management
6В04102 / 5B050700 - Management |
Branch №9 "Eurasian Bank", №1, control Families, Abaya region |
01.01.2022-31.12.2024 |
2 |
Branch of JSC "Nurbank" in Semey, Abaya region |
01.01.2022-31.12.2024 |
3 |
of JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" and the regional branch of the Family, Abaya region, Semey |
02.11.2022-31.12.2026 |
4 |
the Department of state revenue of Semey, Semey, Abai region |
02.11.2022-31.12.2026 |
5 |
31.12.2021-31.08.2024 |
6 |
LLP "Radio-SERVIS-PLYUS", Abaya region, Semey |
20.06.2019-20.06.2024 |
7 |
LLP "KZ Kalina" in Families, ABAYA REGION |
02.11.2022-31.12.2026 |
8 |
"LLP Bind", Semey, Abaya region |
02.11.2022-31.12.2026 |
9 |
LLP "Vetzootsentr", Semey, Abaya region from |
20.06.2022-30.12.2026 |
10 |
MM SCE "Teplokommunenergo", PCG Families, Abaya region |
05.04.2021-31.12.2025 g. |
11 |
LLP "Pnevmogidroservis", Semey, ABAYA REGION |
04.08.2022-31.12.2026 |
12 |
LLP "White bear", Etc. the area of the City |
31.10.2022-30.12.2026 |
13 |
"Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" joint stock company "national company branch of the backbone network of the branch Families of JSC" |
30.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
14 |
"Semipalatinsk cement plant" production company, Semey, Abaya region |
31.12.2021-31.12.2025 |
15 |
LLP "Kondiz", Semey, East Kazakhstan |
02.11.2022-31.12.2025 |
16 |
"Semipalatinsk factory of shipbuilding and ship repair" (SGGS), the Abai region, Semey |
02.11.2022-31.12.2026 |
17 |
LLP "Tamakasuga", Etc. the region, Semey |
02.11.2022-31.12.2025 |
18 |
6В04103 / 5B051000 - State and local management |
"LLP Victoria Elite" Abai region, City |
31.12.2021-31.08.2024 |
19 |
In the Republic of Kazakhstan Agency for civil service of deprtament of Abai" Semey, Abaya region |
20.06.2022-31.12.2025 |
20 |
LLP "Geo System" Abai region, Semey |
31.12.2021-31.08.2024 |
21 |
LLP "TRANS "Aktobe" -" Abai region, Semey |
31.12.2021-31.08.2024 |
22 |
"LLP Firm Elite Voyage Tour" Abai region, City |
31.12.2021-31.08.2024 |
23 |
se "the Department of land relations of the city of Semey" Semey, Abaya region |
02.11.2022-31.12.2025 |
Department of Pedagogy and psychology |
1 |
6В01101- Pedagogy and Psychology |
KSU "T. In the training hall of secondary school No. 16" Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
Semey" multidisciplinary College", Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-16.06.2025 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 10", Semey, Abay region |
20.06.2022-20.06.2025 |
KSU "Chernyshevsky named after secondary School No. 1", Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-30.06.2025 |
2 |
6B03102 - Psychology |
Semey "multi-profile College", Semey, Abay region |
08.07.2022-01.07.2025 |
Correction Center for a Bright future |
08.07.2022 - 01.07.2025 |
Psychiatric Dispensary |
08.07.2022-01.07.2025 |
"Family Center" of the public foundation |
03.11.2023-31.12.2028 |
"Insight" correction Center |
03.11.2023- |
31.12.2028 of the Abay UZ region, D. Kalmatayev State Medical College higher |
03.11.2023-31.12.2028 |
3 |
6B01201 - Preschool education and upbringing |
KGKP No. 9 "Aygolek" nursery-garden", Semey, Abay region |
29.06.2022-31.12.2026 |
KGKP No. 5 "Bala alemi" nursery-garden", Semey, Abay region |
29.06.2022-31.12.2026 |
KGKP"No. 3 nursery-garden", Semey, Abay region |
19.10.2021-19.10.2026 |
KGKP No. 6 "Nursaule" kindergarten", Semey, Abay region |
19.10.2021-19.10.2026 |
KGKP "humanitarian-aesthetic and health -improving profile of State Institution No. 10 "Bal bulak" nursery-garden", Semey, Abay region |
12.09.2022-19.09.2027 |
KGKP No. 7 "JSC bota "nursery-garden", Semey, JSC |
29.06.2022-31.12.2026 |
LLP "ER-TAN 1" balabakshasy, Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
LLP "BABE CARE" balabakshasy, Semey, Abay region |
12.09.2022-12.09.2027 |
4 |
6B01301 - Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
KSU" Secondary School No. 30"Semey, Abay region |
29.06.2022-21.12.2026 |
KSU" Secondary school No. 39 "Semey, Abay region |
29.06.2022-21.12.2026 |
KSU"Vol. In the study hall of secondary school No. 16" Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
KSU "Ybyray Altynsarin named after No. 37 gymnasium" Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 44", Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
5 |
6B01 - Pedagogical sciences |
, KSU " Secondary School No. 30"Semey, Abay region |
29.06.2022-31.12.2026 |
KSU "Secondary school No. 4", Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-21.12.2028 |
KSU "Vol. In the study hall of secondary school No. 16" Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023, 31. I2. 2028 |
KSU "No. 8 of general secondary education , issued for artistic and aesthetic education and upbringing in the program" school-complex"Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 3", Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
KSU "Ybyray Altynsarin named after No. 37 gymnasium" Semey, Abay region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
KSU" Secondary School No. 27 "Semey, Abay region |
19.10.2021-31.12.2026 |
KSU" Palmira Secondary School No. 29 "Semey, Abay region |
19.10.2021-31.12.2026 |
KSU"Semey, Abay region.Ryskulbekov атындағыSecondary School No. 33", Semey, Arich region |
19.10.2021-19.10.2026 |
KSU "Kanysha Satpayev атындағыSecondary School No. 2", Semey, Arich region |
18.11.2021-31.12.2026 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 26", Semey, Abay region |
18.11.2021-31.12.2026 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 7" school-lyceum, Semeyregion |
22.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
, Abay region 22.12.2021-31.12.2026 Semey, Abay region Secondary School No. 10 region |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
Department of Fine Arts and Design |
1 |
6B01405 - Fine art, art work and graphics |
Ibray Altynsarin KSU "Gymnasium No. 37" Semey, Abay region 15.06.2022-04.07.2025 |
KSU " Secondary School |
No. 39 Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-04.07.2025 |
KSU "Secondary school No. 10" Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-04.07.2025 |
KSU "Ssu named after multidisciplinary gymnasium", Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-04.07.2025 |
2 |
6B02101 - Design |
"Inspiration" advertising agency design, Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-04.07.2025 |
GFC Month "Zhanar" in Semey, Abay region |
01.09.2022-04.07.2025 |
"Zhanatau" advertising agencies, Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-04.07.2025 |
IP "Vostochno- reklama", Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-04.07.2025 |
LLP "Asia Decor" Semey, Abay region |
20.09.2022-20.09.2025 |
IP Semey "ornament" Semey, Abay region |
20.09.2022-20.09.2025 |
3 |
6B01402 - Music education |
in KSU" Secondary school No. 38 Secondary school", Semey, Abay region |
15.06.2022-31.05.2025 |
KSU "T. In the study hall of secondary school No. 16" Semey, Abay region |
02.12.2020-31.12.2023 |
KSU "Secondary School No. 20", Semey, Abay region |
30.12.202-31.12.2026 |
Department of "History and Law" |
1 |
6B01601 - History |
No. 8,lyceum school KSU |
26.08.2022-28.08.2025 |
No. 44 Secondary |
school 27.08.2022-27.08.2025 |
S. Altynsarina was held at gymnasium No. 37 in KSU |
27.08.2022-27.08.2025 |
No |
Code and name of the educational program |
base of practice |
contract term |
The Department Kazakh philology and journalism |
1 |
6B01701 - Kazakh Language and Literature |
of Ibray Altynsarin KSU "gymnasium No. 37" |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU "T. In the training hall of secondary school No. 16 " Semey. |
22.07.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU "Secondary school No. 31", Semey. |
22.07.2022-30.06.2025 |
Abaya "Zhidebai-Borili" State Historical, Cultural, literary and Memorial Reserve – Museum of Semey. |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU "Secondary school No. 17", Semey. |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
named after Alikhan Bokeikhan "Secondary school No. 39" Semey, KSU. |
22.07.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU "Secondary school No. 11", Semey. |
22.07.2022-30.06.2025 |
named after Shakarim with training in Three languages multidisciplinary gymnasium No. 5", Semey State University 22.07.2022-30.06.2025 Semey State |
University "Secondary |
School No. 32". |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU "secondary school No. 4 secondary school", Ust |
09.01. -10.12.2028 2023 |
" school No. 6 gymnasium, Semey. |
09.01.2023-10.12.2028 |
2 |
6B01706 - Kazakh language and literature -English language |
Abaya "Zhidebai-Borili" state Historical, cultural, literary and memorial reserve –Museum of Semey. |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
Semey Regional MuseumofLocal Lore Museum of Local LoreFamilies'. |
22.07.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU named after Ibrai Altynsarin "gymnasium No. 37" |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
multidisciplinary gymnasium named after Shakarim with training in Three languages "KSU", Semey. |
22.07.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU "Secondary school No. 17", Semey. |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU "T. In the training hall of the secondary school № 16". |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
KSU "Secondary school No. 11", Semey. |
22.07.2022-30.06.2025 |
3 |
6B02303 – Philology 6B02305 – Philology -Journalism |
Abaya "Zhidebai-Borili" State Historical, Cultural, literary and Memorial Reserve –Museum Semey |
15.06.2022-30.06.2025 |
Semey Regional MuseumofLocal Lore мұражайыSemey Semey |
22.07.2022-30.06.2025 |
LLP "Ertis oniri" gazeti, Semey, |
04.08.2022-30.06.2027 |
"Semey multidisciplinary College", Semey., |
23.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
IP-Methodologist "mir", in the Republican - pedagogicalgikalyk magazine |
22.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
LLP "Bayuakov TVK-6" Semey, EKR |
08.07.2022-31.12.2025 |
"RTRKKazakhstan,JSC" Abay region branchы |
03.11.2023-31.12.2026 |
"0 3.11.2023-31.12.202 6Kazakh Radio LLP, Nur-Sultan қаласы |
23.11.2022-23.11.2026 |
23.11.2022-23.11.2026 Khabar JSC, Agencies, Nur-Sultan city |
26.11.2021-26.11.2026 |
The Department of Foreign Languages |
1 |
6B02302 - Translation Studies |
Abay International Air address | |
Abay named after the State Kazakh Musicand Drama Theater | |
Abaya Nevzorov Family Regional Museum of Fine Arts | |
Abaya "Zhidebai-Borili" State Historical, Cultural, Literary and Memorial Reserve-Museum" | |
Abaysky атындағы District Universal Library |
19.10.2021-19.10.20210.2026 |
2 |
6B01705 - Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages |
Semey Obrazovanie-Innovatsiya Lyceum of KSU | |
•KSU Gymnasium named after ustilde of multidisciplinary training in | |
•№ 6 February in KSU " gymnasium | |
•№ 37. Altynsarina named after KSU " gymnasium | |
•KSU Lyceum Secondary School № 7 | |
•No. 27 KSU |
SECONDARY SCHOOL 19.10.2021-19.10.20210.2026 |
19.10.2021-19.10.20210.2026 |
3 |
6В01703 - Russian Language and Literature |
• KSU Lyceum Secondary school№ 7 | 06.202.2025 |
KSU Gymnasium No. 37 named after Y. Altynsarin |
29.06.2022-29.06.2027 |
• KSU Gymnasium Secondary School No. 6 |
12.09.2022-12.09.2025 |
№ |
Code and name of the educational program |
base of practice |
contract term |
The Department Agriculture and Bioresources |
1 |
6B08101- Agronomy |
branch of the Republican State Institution"State Commission for varietal testing of agricultural crops of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Agronomy" East Kazakhstan State Sorting Section of Fruit and vegetable products" |
31.08.2023-30.08.2028 |
LLP"East Қазақстан Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station" |
28.02.2023-31.12.2028 |
"Sunkar Farm, Zhetysu region |
31.08.2023-30.08.2028 |
IP"Aladar", Semey |
30.12.2021- |
31.12.2025 LLP"Di-Zhan and K", Borodulikhinsky district |
13.01.2022-31.12.2025 |
"Smart Agro Farm" Farm, Семей Semey |
13.01.2022- |
KH "31.12.2025 Balzhanfarm., Urdzhar district |
13.01.2022-24.03.2025 |
26.11.2021-31.12.2026 Ministry |
of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan", As wellуыл as agriculture of crops, varieties tested by the state commission of the Russian State University " |
17.03.2022-31.12.2025 |
" Abay region, ауыл agriculture experimental station" LLP |
30.12.2021-31.12.2025 |
2 |
6B08201-Technology of livestock products production |
"Bagration-2 farm", Ulan district |
30.12.2021-01.06.2025 |
"Nur", Semey city |
farm 06.06.2022-06.06.2025 |
"Bright" in VK, Semey city 06.06.2022-Semey |
06.06.2025"Bagdat" |
KH "Bagdat, KH Semey G. 06.06.2022- |
06.06.2025"Balazhal" |
«Balazhal farmin VK, Beskaragay district |
06.06.2022-06.06.2025 |
"Al-Dos" Semey City |
Agricultural complex 06.06.2022-06.06.2025 |
"Atameken" and KH, Abay district |
30.12.2021-31.12.2025 |
"Kamyshinskoe 2" LLP, Shemonaikhinsky district |
30.12.2021- |
31.12.2025 "Kaskabulak"LLP, Abay district |
30.12.2021-31.12.2025 |
"Priirtyshskaya broiler poultry farm" |
15.06.2022-06.06.2025 |
SP Beckel NBorodulikhinskydistrict28.02.2023 |
-31.12.2028 |
Vostok Broiler LLP, Semey |
06.06.2022-06.06.2025 |
3 |
6B08301 - Forest Resources and Forestry |
Semey Ormany"RSU GLPR |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
"Charyn" RSU GNPP, Almaty region, Uyghur district |
01.09.2022-01.09.2027 |
RSU MOTR "Semey Ormany" Zhanasemey branch |
30.12.2021-31.12.2026 |
4 |
6B08302 - Hunting and fur farming |
RSU MOTR"Semey Ormany" |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
5 |
6B08303- Forest resources and hunting |
SSPE"Sharyn", Almaty region, Uyghur district |
01.09.2022 |
-01.09.2027 RSU MOTR" Semey Ormany" |
09.01.2023-31.12.2028 |
The Department of Veterinary |
1 |
6В09101 / 5B120100 Veterinary Medicine 6B09102 / 5B120200 Veterinary Hygiene 6B09103 - Veterinary |
medicine "облысының ветеринария State Institution "Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Abai region" ММ |
Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Abay region 01.09.2023-01.09.2026 Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Abay region |
Абай облысыныңDepartment of Veterinary Medicine of the Abay region басқармасы |
09.01.2023-01.01.2026 |
Абай 09.01.2023-01.01.2026 Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Abayregion басқармасыKMC MPC "Abay |
09.01.2023-01.01.2026 |
Абай облысыныңveterinary Department of the Abay region басқармасы MPK "Shemonaikha-Vet" KMK. |
01.04.2022-01.09.2025 |
LLP "Shygys-broiler" Abay region, Semey. |
09.01.2023-09.01.2026 |
Abay region Veterinary Department |
09.01.2023-01.01.2026 |
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Veterinary control zhane kadagalau Committee "Abay region Territorial Inspection" , RSE |
09.01.2023-01.01.2026 |
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Veterinary Control zhane kadagalau Committee "Republican Veterinary Laboratory" Astana in RSE on PHV" |
28.02.2023-31.12.2026 |
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Veterinary control Zhane kadagalau Committee "Republican epizootology against the detachment of the RSU "Abay region |
13.01.2022-01.09.2026 |
" AESCULAP " Veterinary Medical Center Abay region, Semey. |
07.01.2022-28.01.2024 |
LLP 07.02.2022- |
07.02.2025 "Rulikha" LLP Rulikha - selo, Shemonaikha district of Abay region |
28.01.2021-31.12.2024 |
"ORNEK" LLP Abay region , Semey |
07.01.2022-07.02.2024 |
07.01.2022-07.02.2024 "Zhana-Semey-Vet"LLP Abay region , Semey |
01.09.2023-01.09.2026 "Agrofirma" |
LLP prirechnoye" Abay region, Semey |
01.02.2022-01.07.2026 |
LLP "Shalabay" Abay region, Semey |
31.12.2022-31.12.2024 |
VC "Mukanov" Abay region, Yernazar S. |
01. 02. 2022-01. 09. 2025 |
- Regulatory and legal framework
- Academic policy
- Academic Council of the University
- Educational programs of higher and postgraduate education
- Minor
- Professional practice
- Dual training
- Multilingual education
- Distance education
- Internal academic mobility
- Summer term
- Inclusive education
- Accreditation and ratings
- Academic calendar
- Courses of retraining and advanced training
- Approved forms of diplomas of Shakarim University its own sample with a description