National and international rankings
Ranking 2025
QS Asia University Rankings 2025
The QS Asia University Rankings 2023, which includes the 985 universities of Asia, lists Shakarim University in the #501-520th position.
QS Sustainability Rankings 2025
Shakarim University ranked in the range of 1351-1400 among 1744 universities from 107 countries. Ranked in the Top 10 among Kazakhstani universities.
Our achievements:
- 3 place in social impact in Central Asia
- 7th in Environmental Impact in Central Asia
- 1st place for «Environmental Research» and «Health & Wellbeing» in Central Asia
- 416 place by the model of Governance in the world
QS Stars International Ranking 2024
The QS Stars International Ranking System has awarded our university a 4-star rating, the quality and effectiveness of our educational programmes, the level of employment of graduates, as well as commitment to social responsibility, inclusiveness and sustainability.
In the categories «Teaching», «Employability», «Good governance», «Social impact» and «Strong program» received a 5-star rating.
4 stars in «Facilities» categories, «Diversity, equity and inclusion», «Academic development» and « Global engagement».
Detailed information is provided on the official website: https://www.topuniversities.com/universities/non-profit-joint-stock-company-shakarim-university
UI Green Metric World University Ranking 2024
According to the UI Green Metric World University Ranking 2023, which measures the commitment of universities to improving environmental infrastructure, as well as promoting sustainable development and environmental protection, Shakarim University ranked 662th among the most environmentally friendly educational institutions in the world, Shakarim University ranked 8th among universities of Kazakhstan.
Detailed information is provided on the official website: https://greenmetric.ui.ac.id/rankings/overall-rankings-2024
Ranking of educational institutions of Kazakhstan according to National H-index 2024
The ranking of educational institutions according to National H-index is an independent ranking of scientific productivity and publication activity of educational institutions. Shakarim University ranks 19th among 84 universities.
Detailed information is provided on the official website: https://kz.h-index.com/en/shakarim-university
Rating of websites of Kazakhstani universities - 2023
According to the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, Shakarim University ranked 44th among 103 universities in Kazakhstan in the ranking of websites of Kazakhstani universities.
Detailed information is provided on the official website: Рейтинг веб-сайтов казахстанских вузов - 2023 (iqaa-ranking.kz)
Rating on scientific publications of Kazakhstani universities - 2023
According to the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, Shakarim University ranked 20th among 97 universities in Kazakhstan in the ranking of universities by scientific publications.
Detailed information is provided on the official website: Рейтинг по научным публикациям казахстанских вузов - 2023 (iqaa-ranking.kz)
Rating of educational programs of NPP Atameken
The results of the rating of educational programs of Shakarim University were presented on the official website of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken"
- Regulatory and legal framework
- Academic policy
- Academic Council of the University
- Educational programs of higher and postgraduate education
- Minor
- Professional practice
- Dual training
- Multilingual education
- Distance education
- Internal academic mobility
- Summer term
- Inclusive education
- Accreditation and ratings
- Academic calendar
- Courses of retraining and advanced training
- Approved forms of diplomas of Shakarim University its own sample with a description