Student science club «Fatherland»

The purpose of the club:

Development and deepening of geographical knowledge and thinking of students-geographers-historians. Expansion of knowledge in the field of geography, the formation of scientific views. Comprehensive training of future specialists by expressing their opinion on solving geographic and environmental problems in Kazakhstan.

Club tasks
1. Expanding the horizons of students on the basis of the development of urgent tasks of various branches of geography;
2. Asking problematic questions, not only geographical, but also political, economic, philosophical, etc. deepen knowledge in the fields of science;
3. Learn to systematically and meaningfully express your opinion based on real facts;
4. Skills of logical thinking, analysis-synthesis;
5. Increase his interest in the chosen profession.

  • The head of the organization:Nurpeysova Akerke Muratkazinovna - senior lecturer, master of geography
  • Телефон:+7(771)305-66-95