Student scientific club «Smart student»

The purpose of the scientific club: the formation of general scientific, experimental, intellectual inclinations and abilities, as well as skills in research activities in the field of chemistry and chemical technology, ecology and life safety.

Objectives of the scientific club:
1) holding meetings to discuss theoretical and applied issues of chemistry and chemical
technology, ecology and safety;
2) development of public speaking and self-education skills necessary for defense
final qualifying works, as well as in subsequent professional
3) involvement in participation in conferences, competitions, exhibitions, programs and projects implemented by the university, foundations and other organizations;
3) assistance in using the results of student research in the educational process;
4) training in the principles of organizing the preparation of research reports and projects;
5) development of educational motivation to choose a profession and specialty.

The main directions of educational research and (or) scientific research work of the scientific club:
• instill systematic skills in independently performing theoretical and experimental research work in the unity of educational and creative processes;
• ensure a strong and deep assimilation of knowledge in special and related disciplines;
• develop creative, analytical thinking, creative work abilities, expand
theoretical outlook;
• develop skills in applying theoretical knowledge to solve specific practical problems
• promote professional and social adaptation.

  • The head of the organization:Kasymova Zhanar Saylaubekovna - specialist/associate professor, candidate of biological sciences
  • Телефон:+7(707)655-33-43