Student scientific club «GeoBuild»

The purpose of the work of the scientific circle "GeoBuild":

Involvement in the work of the circle of students of the educational program «Geodesy and Cartography», «Construction» showing interest in research work.

- Organization and implementation of research projects and works in the field of geodesy and construction;
- Mastering new methods and techniques of experimental research in geodesy and construction;
- Increasing the level of knowledge and competence of students in geodesy and construction.

The main tasks of the scientific circle «GeoBuild» are:

- providing opportunities for students outside the curriculum to expand and deepen their knowledge in the field of geodesy, construction, geoinformation and BIM technologies;
- formation of students' analytical, prognostic, organizational and communicative skills and abilities;
- support and promotion of an active exchange of experience and knowledge between students, teachers and specialists in this field;
- development of students' creative initiative, independence and responsibility;
- organization and holding of scientific conferences, competitions of student scientific works, master classes and other events aimed at the exchange of information and experience in geodesy and construction.
- organization of practical classes, excursions and practices at construction sites for the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills;
- promoting the publication and implementation of the best student work;
- participation in scientific competitions, olympiads and other events to improve skills and gain recognition in the field of geodesy and construction.

  • The head of the organization:1. Seitkazina Gulnur Sarkytbekovna - master of technical sciences, specialty “Geodesy”; 2. Zhumadilov Iliyas Toganuly - PhD Doctor, acting associate professor
  • Телефон:+7(775)759-07-71