AP1234567 "Evelopment of a resourse-saving method of surface hardening of the working bodies of soil-troad machines"



In recent years, the speed of tillage has increased from 7 to 12 km/h, and sometimes up to 15-18 km/h. In this regard, the loads on the working bodies operating under conditions of intense, abrasive and shock-abrasive wear have also increased significantly. Therefore, modern agriculture requires reliable working bodies of machines with a number of high characteristics, such as: high strength and ductility, wear and corrosion resistance, and many others. This problem is solved mainly through the production of bulk alloy steels. However, due to the ever-increasing cost of alloying materials, it is advisable to use low-alloy steels with a hardened surface layer.


Development of a resource-saving method of electrolytic-plasma hardening of chisel plow bits of tillage machines made of steel grades 65G and 45, which makes it possible to increase their wear resistance under the influence of abrasive particles and high shock loads.


1. An industrial plant for electrolytic-plasma hardening of the working bodies of tillage machines will be manufactured.
2. The optimal mode of electrolytic-plasma hardening of steels will be established.
3. The main regularities of the formation of the dislocation substructure of steels during electrolytic-plasma hardening will be established.
4. The wear mechanisms of steels treated by electrolytic-plasma hardening will be established.
5. The interrelation of tribological and physical-mechanical properties with the structural-phase state of steels treated by electrolytic-plasma hardening will be established.
6. Bench and field tests of hardened chisel plow points will be carried out.
7. On the basis of the conducted experimental studies and tests, a resource-saving method of electrolytic-plasma hardening of the working bodies of tillage machines, in particular, chisel plow chisels, will be developed.
8. A recommendation will be issued on the use of electrolytic-plasma technology for hardening chisel plow bits.



Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Журерова Лайла Гылыммеденова, PhD

    Scopus Id: 55899323400

    Researcher Id: -

    ORCID: 0000-0002-1924-1459


  • Fullname: Касымов Аскар Багдатович, PhD

    Scopus Id: 56298368800

    Researcher Id: --

    ORCID: 0000-0002-1983-6508


  • Fullname: Кожанова Рауан Сабырбековна

    Scopus Id: 57216911622

    Researcher Id: --

    ORCID: 0000-0002-3271-226_


  • Fullname: Сатбаева Зарина Аскарбековна

    Scopus Id: 57213689811

    Researcher Id: --

    ORCID: 0000-0001-7161-2686


  • Fullname: Табиева Еркежан Еркинбеккызы

    Scopus Id: 57222482979

    Researcher Id: --

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9726-7187
