AP13068020 "Development methods for determining recreational loads on tourist and protected areas of the East Kazakhstan region using GIS/RS technologies"



The main idea of the project is to develop new methods for determining the maximum permissible recreational loads in tourist areas using GIS/remote sensing technologies. An important condition for the
development of the tourism industry is not only the presence of natural or cultural recreational facilities but also the ecological state of the environment, the stability of natural complexes to recreational effects. One of the effective measures of protection against recreational exposure is to streamline recreational loads: determining the maximum permissible recreational loads, organizing visits along certain routes, recreation areas.


It consists of the development of methods for determining the maximum permissible recreational loads on tourist and specially protected natural territories of the East Kazakhstan region using GIS/remote sensing technology for the rational use of natural resources and sustainable tourism development in the East Kazakhstan region.


The implementation of the research results will contribute to the optimization of recreational nature management and sustainable tourism development in the region.

There are opportunities to obtain methodological approaches for maximum permissible changes in recreational loads on tourists and specially protected natural territories. At the same time, an important indicator of the Project is the assessment of the general ecological situation of the environment in the East Kazakhstan region.

Complete information and materials on the object of research, namely data on natural conditions, obtaining a methodology for maximum permissible changes in recreational loads on tourist territories, preparation of preliminary maps made based on decoding satellite images, the results of expedition research.

Results of the analysis of the information and data of the expedition work. Based on the interpretation of space images, the determination of the maximum permissible changes in recreational loads.

The developed environmental measures for the sustainable development of tourism. Sustainable, socio-economic development of tourism and rural border areas with the recommended version of environmental protection measures.


A program for a comprehensive field physical-geographical study of landscapes has been developed. A map of key areas has been compiled and objects of study have been identified. On the basis of field research materials, maps of the study area were developed with clarification of the borders (soil, vegetation, topographic) using satellite images, and medium-scale maps.

A database of the current state of tourist and specially protected natural areas of the study region has been created.

Statistical and cartographic material of the studied territories has been processed. Compiled physical and geographical characteristics of the region under study.

The actual recreational loads and the ecological state of the landscape components in the tourist areas (Shulba reservoir, Dubagalinsky lakes, Sibinsky lakes, Alakol lake) have been determined. The mechanical disturbance of landscapes in the coastal areas of tourist areas was determined using a quadrocopter (UAV) Phantom RTK. An assessment was made of the current state of ecological routes within specially protected natural areas (“Katon-Karagai” State National Park, State National Park “Tarbagatai”). Soil and water samples were taken in the coastal areas of the tourist area. Laboratory studies were carried out to determine the physical and chemical properties and pollutants in soils and water bodies.

An assessment of the current state of ecological routes within specially protected natural areas was carried out. The mechanical disturbance of landscapes in tourist areas (Shulba reservoir, Dubagalinsky lakes, Sibinsky lakes, Alakol lake) was determined. Botanical descriptions of recreational areas have been carried out.

The resistance of landscapes to recreational loads has been determined.

Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Озгелдинова Жанар Озгелдиновна

    Scopus Id: 55974482300

    Researcher Id: ABD-7061-2021

    ORCID: 0000-0001-6004-9066


  • Fullname: Алагуджаева Манира Аманкельдиевна

    Scopus Id: 57194380633

    Researcher Id: ABF-1440-2021

    ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-8334


  • Fullname: Жангужина Алтын Амиржановна

    Scopus Id: 57199861154

    Researcher Id: ABF-3763-2021

    ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-8334


  • Fullname: Рахимжанова Акгуль Махметхановна

    Scopus Id: 57218533626

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0001-9939-2267


  • Fullname: Улыкпанова Меруерт Муратовна

    Scopus Id: ---

    Researcher Id: ABE-9721-2021

    ORCID: 0000-0002-0038-3158
