AP14871008 "Development of functional literacy of students and mentors in the system of national multilingual and multicultural pedagogical education"



According to the strategic plan for the development of education, functional literacy is one of the priority areas in Kazakhstan. The state understands how important is not only the level of academic knowledge, but also the formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in the practice of everyday life, in various fields of activity for the successful implementation of personal qualities. The developed methodology, educational and methodological complex-content, multimedia programs will assist in the training of teachers at the university, in providing methodological assistance to current teachers and students of educational institutions in the development of core competencies that contribute to the implementation of educational goals. The educational material is built on a multilingual text basis using texts in Kazakh, English, Russian, German, Turkish, which contributes to the formation of a multicultural personality.


Development and implementation in the practice of the educational process of a methodology for the development of functional literacy on a text basis, supported by educational and methodological complex-content, as well as the creation of an experimental platform for the implementation of the methodology of functional literacy of general educational institutions of the East Kazakhstan region.


- Program for the development of functional literacy based on multilingual texts in Kazakh, English, Russian, German, Turkish languages of multicultural topics for students of pedagogical educational programs and subject teachers (hereinafter referred to as the Program);

- multimedia teaching books for teachers, students of pedagogical educational programs of domestic universities, colleges and students of secondary general education schools, corresponding to the developed Program, allowing to develop functional and multicultural competencies.

- modern electronic teaching textbooks for trainees.

- creation on the basis of the university of an experimental platform for the introduction of the methodology of functional literacy in general educational institutions of the city and region;

- organization of training courses, webinars and other forms of interaction for teachers of secondary educational institutions of Ayagoz, Kokpekty, Beskaragai districts of the East Kazakhstan region on the development of functional literacy;

- development and implementation of refresher coursesfor employees of general educational institutions of East Kazakhstan region on the development of functional literacy in the educational process.



Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Муканова Каршыга Кайроллаевна

    Scopus Id: 5628628500

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0002-8812-7625


  • Fullname: Токсамбаева Айман Омаркановна

    Scopus Id: 56184897700

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0002-8744-2615


  • Fullname: Григорьева Галина Борисовна

    Scopus Id: ---

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0003-1928-945_


  • Fullname: Хасенова Клара Ергешбаевна

    Scopus Id: 57160428600

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0002-0063-8536


  • Fullname: Касымова Асем Аленовна

    Scopus Id: 57224119099

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0002-8783-888_


  • Fullname: Рахматуллина Зарина Талгатовна

    Scopus Id: ---

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0001-6429-7120


  • Fullname: Нурпеисова Асель Булатовна

    Scopus Id: ---

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0002-7591-6289
