AP19178510 "Experimental and theoretical investigations of radiation-induced defects in BaFBr and BaF2 crystals"



The main concept of the proposed Project is the study and comparative analysis of radiation defects created by SHI irradiation in BaFBr and BaF2 crystals with different structural responses to radiation exposure.


The main goal of the Project is a systematic experimental and theoretical study and comparative analysis of the patterns of radiation effects in BaFBr and BaF2 irradiated with swift heavy ions.


This Project involves the study and comparative analysis of the dose dependence of the creation of radiation-induced color centers and the identification of radiation defects in BaFBr and BaF2 crystals when irradiated with swift heavy ions. Determination of the positive and negative aspects of the effect of oxygen impurities on the functional properties of BaFBr. Development of theoretical models of radiation defects in BaFBr and BaF2 crystals
Expected results:
1. New data on the parameters of radiation-induced defects in irradiated BaFBr and BaF2 from absorption and luminescence spectra;
2. New data on PCL and PPL spectra of radiation-induced defects BaFBr and BaF2;
3. New data on the effect of oxygen impurities on the functional properties of BaFBr;
4. Models of color centers and comparative analysis of parameters obtained from theoretical calculations and experiments.



Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Кенбаев Дауржан Хаджимуратович

    Scopus Id: ---

    Researcher Id: ABD-6886-2021

    ORCID: 0000-0002-7059-2211


    Postdoctoral student

  • Fullname: Даулетбекова Алма Кабдиновна

    Scopus Id: 6507700564

    Researcher Id: O-9577-2014

    ORCID: 0000-0003-0048-0959


    Postdoctoral research advisor