AP19678220 "Nanofluid coolant on the basis of TiO2 for use in a hybrid solar collector"



Solar energy is one of the main energy alternatives to thermal power plants that burn hydrocarbon fuel and produce a huge amount of harmful emissions. The development of an efficient nanofluid coolant will significantly increase the attractiveness of hybrid solar collectors. Increasing their energy efficiency will significantly reduce their payback period and increase the share of renewable sources in the domestic energy sector.


Development of an efficient nanofluid coolant based on TiO2 nanoparticles with the most optimal thermophysical properties when stabilized with CTAB, SDBS and Tween 80 surfactants in order to improve the energy efficiency of hybrid solar collectors.


As a result of the project implementation, a technology for obtaining an efficient nanofluid coolant based on TiO2 nanoparticles and practical recommendations for its use in hybrid solar collector will be developed. These results will improve the efficiency of solar energy use in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Based on the results of the research carried out on the subject of the project, the following results are expected:

Heat exchange process in hybrid solar collector will be studied. Effective technique for obtaining hybrid nanofluids based on titanium oxide will be developed. Laboratory stand will be developed for conducting thermophysical studies. The thermophysical properties of a hybrid coolant based on TiO2 nanoparticles will be investigated. Hydrodynamic studies of hybrid nanofluids based on TiO2 will be conducted. Energy efficiency of hybrid solar collector using nanofluids as a coolant will be investigated. Analysis of the obtained data and a theoretical description of the behavior of hybrid nanofluids based on TiO2 will be carried out. Practical recommendations will be developed for the use of nanofluids based on TiO2 in hybrid solar collectors.



Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Ермоленко Михаил Вячеславович

    Scopus Id: 57188880601

    Researcher Id: GYZ-8553-2022



  • Fullname: Бектемисов Ануар Алмасбекович

    Scopus Id:

    Researcher Id:



  • Fullname: Адылканова Айнур Жарылкасыновна

    Scopus Id: ---

    Researcher Id: ---



  • Fullname: Акишов Жандос Қайрбекұлы

    Scopus Id: ---

    Researcher Id: ---

