AP19680032 "Structural-semantic and linguocultural aspects of lexicon in social networks"



Nowadays social media is one of the main sources of new lexical units and phrases which require full explanation. Using several languages with predominance of English, different dialectisms, literary and informal languages are observed in online communication. The mentioned points need to be considered in learning language of the internet. Furthermore, internet and online communication are objects of interdisciplinary research. The internet vocabulary of modern Kazakh language is under development all the time, there are new words and the meaning of old words are changing. As a result, the new lexicon causes difficulty for learners in speech and understandings. Therefore, it requires to comprehensive research. The relevance of the project is due to the small amount of theoretical material on the study of structural-semantic and linguocultural aspects of social network vocabulary in modern Kazakh language with absence of fundamental research works.


To recognize the basic and semantic highlights of the internet lexicon of the cutting edge Kazakh dialect, the appearances of etymological and social perspectives in Web communication, the advancement of word reference and reference materials concerning the ways of creating the lexicon of the present day Kazakh dialect.


- To use the results of the research in lexicography when compiling dictionaries of the Internet vocabulary of the modern Kazakh language, in lectures and practice. manuals on the lexicology of the modern Kazakh language;
- At least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed by the Social Science Citation Index or the Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) having 35 (thirty-five) percentiles of CiteScore in the Scopus database, based on the results of a scientific comprehensive study of the structural, semantic and linguocultural aspects of vocabulary in social network;

Development of at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in a peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publication:
- Preparation of a monographic work as a result of project research;
- Participation in national and international conferences, seminars and round tables on the project research topic;
- Passing foreign internships on the topic of the project research.


In order to achieve results within the framework of the scientific project, focus groups were created, language material was generalized. In order to analyze theoretical works, work was carried out in national libraries of Kazakhstan scalе.

Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Тусупбекова Галия Аутовна, филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент

    Scopus Id: 57221744948

    Researcher Id:

    ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-5614


  • Fullname: Жумагулова Алия Матаевна – филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, аға оқытушы

    Scopus Id:

    Researcher Id:

    ORCID: 0000-0001-5535-0030


  • Fullname: Саганаева Гульнур Бейсембаевна – филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, аға оқытушы

    Scopus Id:

    Researcher Id:

    ORCID: 0000-0003-1538-5348
