BR21882447 «Development of a food safety system in long-term storage conditions based on electrophysical and radiation treatment methods»

Supervisor: Orynbekov Duman Rymgalievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Co-head: Kalibekkyzy Zhanar, Candidate of Biological Sciences.


Currently, there are many different methods of disinfection of food rawmaterials and products from them. Along with traditional methods of sterilization (thermal, chemical treatment, the use of ultrasound, ultraviolet, infrared, X-rays), methods of sterilization by ionizing radiation and electricity have become widespread in recent years. Electrophysical processing of food products is carried out in more than 60 countries around the world. According to the International Radiation Association, Europe alone annually releases more than 200 thousand tons of processed products to the market. Electrophysical food processing technology has significant advantages over other processing methods: reduction of losses due to biological, chemical and bacterial spoilage; prolongation of shelf life of products; preservation of taste and nutritional properties of food products. One of the important problems in the food industry is the storage of raw materials, ensuring their natural properties for a long time.


Development of principles for the management ofmicrobiological, biochemical and technological processes using electrophysical influences and ionizing radiation in the production and storage of agricultural products, food and processing industries, as well as the agro-industrial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


- innovative technologies based on electrophysical methods ofprocessing, storage and processing of agricultural raw materials and products of its processing;
- biotechnological methods of processing, storage and processing of agricultural raw materials and products of its processing;
- scientific and technical documents on improving environmental standards of production, quality of agricultural products, environmental protection of food and processing industries;
- scientifically based methodological recommendations for assessing the state and prospects of development of the sphere of introduction and commercialization of scientific achievements in innovative technologies for processing, storage and processing of agricultural raw materials of plant and animal origin.


Innovative highly efficient techniques and technologies based onelectrophysical methods of processing, storage and processing of agricultural raw materials and products of its processing have been studied and analyzed. Based on theoretical research, a review of scientific and technical information on the use of electrophysical processing methods in the food industry was carried out, and research methods were selected. Scientific articles, dissertations, patents have been studied and it has been revealed that Russia and Belarus are the leading countries in the use of electrophysical methods of processing raw materials. Primary studies of the effect of electrophysical methods on bacterial contamination and the content of toxic elements in plant and animal raw materials have been carried out. The obtained studies show the effectiveness of treatment with ultrasound, microwave currents, and infrared radiation. Preliminary experimental studies show the high efficiency of the methods. Ultrasound can effectively reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials, reduce the content of heavy metals in animal raw materials by almost 2-3 times, and complete disinfection occurred for some sanitary microorganisms. Infrared radiation turned out to be more effective than microwave currents in the processing of plant raw materials in the study of microbiological parameters. When treated with microwave currents, heavy metals in plant and animal raw materials were reduced more effectively by an average of 8 to 15%.