AP09261245 "Multimedia educational space as a tool for the formation of communicative competencies in the field of trilingual higher education"



The modern world is characterized by global changes that affect the education system. In these conditions, such qualities as flexibility, variability and dynamism are of great importance for solving urgent problems of higher education. Achieving these qualities will allow a harmonious combination of traditional and innovative forms. In the conditions of trilingual education developing in the Republic of Kazakhstan, this will help to form an optimaleducational environment that implements different types and models of communication, and, consequently, to train specialists with a wide range of competencies. The project is aimed at developing coordinated traditional and online learning opportunities that can make full-time education more effective.


To develop the principles, forms and content of educational and methodological support of programs of trilingual education with the use of information and communication technologies, systematically integrated into a multimedia educational space, which will be a condition for the formation of communicative competencies of a linguistic personality, to scientifically substantiate the flexibility, variability, dynamism of the implementation of such programs.


The main result of the research will be the variants of educational and methodological support of educational programs and multimedia support resources for trilingual higher education. Systematically integrated and constituting a multimedia space, they are able to ensure the effectiveness of full-time education in various conditions, both offline and online, including in unstable conditions, as well as when it is impossible to use exclusively traditional technologies, for example, in inclusive education.


The main significance of the socio-humanitarian character was that the team of authors created a complex of multimedia computer programs based on their own developments and teaching materials, which is confirmed by the received copyright certificates for 9 both standard and multimedia objects.
1. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 16940 dated April 26, 2021 Ismailova G.K., Sharonova E. N., Mishchenko I.S., Khasenova K.E. Textbook "Russian language. Fundamentals of scientific and business communication". https://copyright.kazpatent.kz/
2. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 18972 dated June 24, 2021 Ismailova G.K., Khasenova K.E., Nurpeisova A. B. Electronic textbook in English: "Cognition. The huge world of the English language» https://copyright.kazpatent.kz/
3. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 20587 dated September 30, 2021 Ismailova G.K., Narevskaya T. A., Khasenova K.E. Educational and methodological manual on linguistics "The Republic of Kazakhstan. East Kazakhstan region. Semey" in Russian, Kazakh and English. https://copyright.kazpatent.kz/
4. Certificate of entry of information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 20827 dated October 12, 2021, Ismailova G.K., Sharonova E. N., Mishchenko I. S., Khasenova K.E., Rakhmatullina Z.T.. Computer program "Digital educational resource "Theory and practice of professional Russian speech"". https://copyright .kazpatent.kz/
5. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 20867 dated October 14, 2021, Ismailova G.K., Isabaeva T.D., Dyusekeneva I.M., Rakhmatullina Z.T., Khasenova K.E.. Computer program "Program for testing "Test assignments on the subject English Language (for students of all specialties)"". https://copyright.kazpatent.kz/
6. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 21330 dated November 3, 2021, Ismailova G.K., Isabaeva T.D., Dyusekeneva I.M., Rakhmatullina Z.T., Khasenova K.E.. Computer program "Program for testing "Collection of test questions on the discipline "Russian language" (for students of all specialties)"". https://copyright.kazpatent.kz/
7. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 21511 dated November 9, 2021, Ismailova G.K., Rakhmatullina Z.T., Khasenova K.E.. Computer program "Computer program "Ideographic dictionary of financial and credit terminology (based on the material of Russian, Kazakh, English and German languages)"". https://copyright.kazpatent.kz/
8. Certificate of entry of information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 21517 dated November 9, 2021, Ismailova G.K., Kabdulkarimova K. K., Klivenko A. N., Rakhmatullina Z.T., Khasenova K.E.. Computer program "Computer program "Kazakh-Russian-English explanatory dictionary of chemical terms and definitions". https://copyright.kazpatent.kz /
9. Certificate of entry of information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 21702 dated November 15, 2021, Ismailova G.K., Kurmambayeva K. S., Rakhmatullina Z.T., Khasenova K.E. Computer program "Program for testing "Collection of test questions on the discipline "Kazakh language" (for students of all specialties)"". https://copyright.kazpatent.kz/
1. Analytical review "Tools for creating multimedia content". Ismailova G.K., Rakhmatullina Z.T., Khasenova K.E., Isabayeva T.D., Dyusekeneva I.M.
2. Analytical review "Multimedia tools in teaching Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages". Ismailova G.K., Isabaeva T.D., Khasenova K.E., Rakhmatullina Z.T., Dyusekeneva I.M.
3. "Russian - English - Kazakh thematic dictionary (for STEM specialties) by the authors Ismailova G.K., Dyusekeneva I.M., Isabaeva I.M., Khasenova K.E. On November 26, the RNPC was held "Multimedia educational space as a tool for the formation of communicative competencies in the field of trilingual higher education"

Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Исабаева Тұрсын Душанқызы-ф.ғ.к.

    Scopus Id: 000

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 0000-0003-3998-2147


  • Fullname: Хасенова Клара Ергешбайқызы-э. ғ. к.

    Scopus Id: 000

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 0000-0002-0063-8536


  • Fullname: Дюсекенева Индира Муратовна –PhD докторы

    Scopus Id: 57204488053

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 0000-0002-4957-0915


  • Fullname: Рахматуллина Зарина Талғатовна-информатика магистрі, аға оқытушы

    Scopus Id: 000

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 0000-0001-6429-7120
