Gulbakhyt Zharkenova

Head of the Internal Audit Service


071400, Republic of Kazakhstan, Abay Region, Semey, Glinki St., 20A
Room: -

Internal Audit Service

Main activities:
  • annually, based on data from the Company’s risk management system and/or self-assessment of risks, develops an annual audit plan for the coming calendar year, defining the priorities of the internal audit of the Company’s activities, taking into account risks, and submits it for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors;
  • perform audit assignments in accordance with the main objectives of the Service;
  • regularly, based on the results of the reporting period (year or quarter), submit a report on the activities of the Service to the Board of Directors of the Company;
  • monitors the Company’s implementation of the recommendations of the external auditor and other inspecting government bodies;
  • assesses the adequacy of the measures taken by the structural divisions of the Company to ensure the achievement of the goals set for them, within the framework of the strategic goals of the Company;
  • monitors the Company’s implementation of the recommendations of the Service, issued and accepted in the prescribed manner, and also brings to the attention of the Board of Directors of the Company information on the progress and quality of implementation of corrective measures (preventive actions) approved by the management of the Company based on the results of audits and/or recommendations of the Service ;
  • in exceptional cases, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, carries out a thematic internal audit of certain aspects of the Company’s activities, and also participates in internal investigations and special inspections;
  • advises the Board of Directors of the Company, the Executive Body, structural divisions of the Company on the organization of internal control and internal audit systems;
  • takes measures for continuous professional training and advanced training of employees of the Service;
  • performs other functions assigned to the Service, within its competence and not affecting the principle of its independence.

  • Tasmagambetov Meyram