
The activities of the Foundation Department of the NJSC  "Shakarim Semey University" are aimed at improving the level of general education and language training of students.

Admission and training in the Foundation Department is implemented in accordance with the norms of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education», Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2011 No. 554 «On approval of the Rules for organizing the activities of preparatory departments of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

The goal is to prepare students for further study at a university by organizing the study of the Kazakh language and general education subjects, depending on the direction of training.


  • Organize training of persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the degree of proficiency in the state language and educational material necessary to pass the unified national test.
  • To improve the level of training of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a cycle of educational disciplines for admission to higher educational institutions.
  • Organize training for foreign citizens to improve their language skills.

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