“Development of two cycle innovative curricula in microelectronic engineering (DOCMEN)” project

Development of two cycle innovation program in microelectronic engineering – DOCMEN

At the invitation of the Krakow Technical University in February 2016, Zolotov A.D., Head of the Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering and the Head of the Center for Distance Learning Berikkhanova G.E. visited the city of Krakow. They took part in an installation conference on this scientific project.

Scientists from Germany, Italy, Israel, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria attended the meeting.

The conference was opened by the head of the institute Janusz Mikula and the coordinator of Krakow University of Technology Kinga  Kornienko.  After that, the head manager of this project from Berlin Arnold Sterenharants and Elena Yenhorn acquainted with the purpose and objectives of this project, the coordinators were identified from each institution.

In May in Caspian University (Almaty) there was a meeting with the delegation (EU) ERASMUS + on monitoring the first six months of the project.

The coordinator of the National Office of the program Erasmus + in Kazakhstan Tasbulatova Sh.U., Project Manager of the National Office of the program

Erasmus + in Kazakhstan Anne Spangenmacher, the expert Narenova MN, the coordinator of the Krakow Technological University Kinga Kornienko, as well as the chief manager of the given project from Berlin Technical University Arnold Sterenarharts.

Aim of the project

To support the modernization of higher education in microelectronics at the target universities of Armenia, Kazakhstan and Israel through the update of two-cycle programs in line with new developments in this field, taking into account the demand for the labor market in accordance with the Bologna process and best practices.

Expected results

  • Review / analysis of current  programs/ curricula (bachelor’s, master’s) in micro, nano-electronics;
  • Updating curricula of current microelectronics programs, including the European Credit System (ECTS);
  • Developing a package of 11 new main curricula and 3 transfer modules in micro, nano-electronics, including interpersonal skills / adoption at the institutionallevel / accreditation at the national level;
  • Development, publication, acquisition of new teaching aids, reference books, training programs; development of the Internet platform;
  • Preparation of a set of documentation for microelectronics laboratories (Miclabs), purchase / installation of equipment;
  • Retraining of 1 professor, teachers on new curricular and methodology;
  • Conducting master classes on new curricular in Miclabs laboratories;
  • Pilot training of students on new curricula using Miclabs;
  • Establishment of a microelectronics service office (MicSO): development of a documentation package / purchase / installation of equipment;
  • Training of personnel / operation / creation of the MicSO network.

In 2016, the Department of Automation and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies started scientific research on the Program ERASMUS + – Capacity Building in Higher Education, funded by the European Commission, on the project “Development of two cycles of innovative curricula in microelectronic engineering (DOCMEN)”. The project coordinators are the Krakow Technical University (Krakow, Poland) and the Center for Engineering Consulting and Management for Space Technologies (Berlin, Germany).

The main direction of the research is related to the modernization of educational programs and the development of innovative courses of disciplines on micro- and nano-electronic technologies, as well as their introduction into the educational process in the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies in accordance with the Bologna process and advanced European experience.

The partners of the project are 15 leading universities and 2 research organizations in Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Israel. Term of execution – 3 years.

At the Krakow Technical University on February 18-19, 2016, there was the first conference (kick-offmeeting) as part of the project. Shakarim University was represented by the director of the Center for Distance Technologies by Berikhanova G.E. and the head of the department “Automation and Computer Engineering” Zolotov A.D. At the conference there were presented reports and presentations on achievements and opportunities for the project implementation from all universities; aims and a research programs were defined.

The main activities for the project implementation are analysis and introduction into bachelor’s and master’s degrees on the specialties “Automation and Control, Computer Science and Software”, “Technical Physics”, “Information Systems” of advanced knowledge in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics; development, publication and acquisition of new literature. There was also planned to improve the qualifications of teachers in leading European universities, as well as the creation of an Internet platform and a new Miclabs profile laboratory in each partner university of Kazakhstan, Armenia and Israel at the expense of the project’s financial resources.

On 26-27 May, there was a conference at Caspian University (Almaty), where reports of working groups were presented to the curators of projects from the European Union and the National Office ERASMUS +.

On September 22-23, in Yerevan State University there was a conference of the participating countries of this project and target universities, where university reports on activities carried out in the project’s plan for 10 months were heard and analyzed. There was a discussion aimed at improving the implementation of this project in educational programs for microelectronic engineering. The plans for the further development of the project were adjusted and the terms of the internship for the teachers of the department in the leading European universities of Poland, Bulgaria and Italy were determined.

Preparation and execution of the agreement on cooperation in the field of improving the educational process and / or scientific research with the “Innovative Eurasian University” of the city of Pavlodar within the framework of the DOCMEN +

Internship of teachers

Teachers of the university participating in this project, in accordance with the program of academic mobility of this project, completed internships on the basis of related departments of leading European universities. In particular, the head of the department of “automation and computer technology” Zolotov AD, PhD doctor Shaikhanova AK, Master Bekesheva GB. as part of a group of teachers from universities in Kazakhstan, Armenia and Israel, attended a course of lectures on the themes “Nanocoatings and nanostructures – theory and practice” of leading scientists of the Technical University of Sofia, conducted practical training in microelectronics training laboratories, got acquainted with the technological process of sensors production in scientific and technological park “AMG Technology” (Botevgrad). Also, lecturers attended lectures on the themes “Design of BIO / CMOS interfaces”, “Nanoelectronics and photonics”, “Applications of the Internet of things and data management” at the Polytechnic University of Turin, got acquainted with the achievements of scientific laboratories. During the internship in Italy for the teachers were organized tours to companies specializing in microelectronic engineering.

The Head of the Center “ELECTRONIC UNIVERSITY E-SHAKARIM” Associate Professor Berikkhanova G.Е.   and the senior teacher Kozhakhmetova D.O. have been trained at the University of Krakow. As part of the group of teachers, they listened to a course of lectures by scientists from Poland and Germany on the themes: “Ways of modeling the educational process that forms competence in the field of microelectronics”, “Modern interdisciplinary methods and technologies of teaching disciplines in the field of microelectronics”, “Project Management”. In addition, the teachers visited practical and laboratory classes in educational laboratories on microelectronics, technologies for the use of alternative energy sources, as well as in a number of other laboratories for students of engineering specialties at the Krakow Technical University.