Time management

Modern society places high demands on the level of competence of a specialist. An essential quality of a professional in a dynamically developing economy should be the ability to rationally spend his time, effectively organize his work. In modern society, a person cannot be successful without a conscious attitude to his life, a conscious design of it, and the presence of a life strategy.  

Aim Formed key competencies Learning outcomes
The purpose of the course "Time management" is to form students' general ideas about the essence and types of time management, principles and methods of time resource management for more successful professional activities. The ability to manage oneself and employees in time, i.e. to adequately perceive, rationally plan, allocate and use time to achieve organizational and personal goals. Applies in life the tools of personal and business time management, planning, maintaining balance. Prioritize tasks and weed out the excess. Knows how to build workflows. Delegate tasks and control.


   №         Minor Courses  Description
   1                                      Time management

In modern conditions, working time plays an important role as the only irreplaceable resource that needs to be optimally used, since the functioning and development of a separate division of the company and corporation depends on the effective management of staff working time. Time management allows you to manage working time, plan, organize and evaluate labor costs at all stages of business processes and minimize the costs of the organization.

  2 Critical thinking  Thinkingabout thinking. The theoreticalbasis for the developmentof critical thinking, attention, perception, memory asmediatorsof cognitive processes, argumentation analysis, development ofproblem-solvingskills, creative thinking, critical thinking developmenttechnology.
  3 PR-management Concept of PR management. Problems of PR management. Type of PR management. Manager and his functions. Administrative relations in public system. Interrelation of management and business. American and Japanese PR management: features and distinctions. Definition of information. Methods of the organization of information streams, data collection and processing. Basic principles, tasks and functions of intra company system of information.

