Minor «Management of the holistic pedagogical process»

The management of the holistic pedagogical process is a directed and organized interaction of adults and children, realizing the goals of education and upbringing in the conditions of the pedagogical system. It is based on the theory of age-related personality development and the skill of the teacher. Education and training at school form a single pedagogical process, but they have their own specifics. The content of the training consists mainly of scientific knowledge about the world. The content of education is dominated by norms, rules, values, ideals. Training mainly affects the intellect, education is primarily addressed to the need-motivational sphere of the individual. Both processes affect the consciousness, behavior, emotions of the individual and lead to its development.


Formed key competencies

Learning outcomes

Formation of students 'holistic and systematic ideas and knowledge about the object, subject and methodology of pedagogical science; formation of students' ideas about the laws, principles, forms and methods of the holistic pedagogical process, as well as various approaches to the development of scientific knowledge in ontogenesis on the most important problems of psychology and physiological development of a person.

  • Preparation for the design and implementation of the entire pedagogical process, taking into account the age, psychophysical and individual characteristics of students, taking into account the updated content of Education.
  • The ability to implement the educational process with the development of a creative environment, taking into account the choice and use of optimal teaching methods and technologies.
  • Readiness for self-development, self-realization, and use of creative potential.

1. Mastering the skills of implementing the content of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle for the formation of a highly educated person with a broad field of thought and a culture of thinking, able to adapt to the ever-changing life of society and the state

2. Demonstrate skills in planning, designing and implementing a holistic pedagogical process, taking into account the methodology and content of pedagogical science

3. Implementation of the educational process, taking into account psychological, physiological and individual characteristics, as well as special educational needs of students.


Minor Courses



Age psychology and physiology

The basic goal of the discipline under study is the general theoretical training of a specialist in the field of human anatomy, physiology and hygiene and the specifics of the child's body. A holistic, systematic view of human development, mental development in ontogenesis, the main age-related patterns of human development throughout life, the most important mental features of the emerging personality at various age stages is being formed. The main emphasis in the course is on the regularities of the higher nervous activity of children and the functional features of their nervous system.



Pedagogy is the science of education and training of the younger generation and the formation of personality. Teaching pedagogy as an academic discipline aims to form students' knowledge about the object and subject of pedagogy, its functions, categorical apparatus, methodology of science. The study of the course provides for the formation of future bachelors with the necessary competencies in the design and evaluation of the pedagogical process in an educational institution.


Pedagogical mastery

Theoretical and practical preparation of a teacher for activity in the conditions of a holistic pedagogical process in which the formation of a student's personality is carried out. Pedagogical mastery is the professional ability to optimize all types of activities, direct them to the comprehensive development and improvement of the individual, the formation of her worldview, abilities, needs for socially significant activities.

