AP09562413 "The manuscript of Abai's works: a study from the point of view of language trends"



As the head of state N.A.Nazarbayev said, the heritage of Abai is the most sacred heritage of the Kazakhs. The integrity of the people and Abai is eternal. It is obvious that the eternity of this country is combined with the eternity of the language. Abai's legacy, which has come down to us in handwritten form, requires not only literary analysis, but also analysis as a linguistic heritage. This project provides for the transcription of the Murseit manuscript in accordance with the principles of the original spelling of that time. This, in turn, will make it possible to receive Abai's works not only as a literary heritage, but also as a linguistic material in the object of research. Promotes the study and reflection of various patterns of Kazakh orthography and orthoepy of the Abai era, the influence of other languages on the Kazakh language and trends in the development of the native language.


It is supposed to transcribe the Murseite manuscript of Abai's works, read in comparison with the versions of 1905, 1907, guided by the version of 1910, study the features of the spelling of the manuscript, determine its role in the formation of the Kazakh literary and written language.


- The text of the manuscript gives a new language assessment.

- Textual comparisons and variants of Abai's works are analyzed, articles are published.

- The book "The Manuscript of Abai's works: a Study from the point of view of linguistic trends" will be published and presented for scientific circulation.


As part of the research, reports at international conferences, articles, and scientific papers were published.

Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Шынатай Елімай , гуманитарлық ғылымдар магистрі

    Scopus Id: 0

    Researcher Id: 0

    ORCID: 0___-____-____-____


  • Fullname: Тынышбай Нұрбике Базарбайқызы

    Scopus Id:

    Researcher Id:

