BR24992981 «Сomprehensive analysis of the natural, historical-cultural landscape potential of Lake Alakol and the development of effective mechanisms for recreational tourism»

Supervisor: Kishkenbayeva Zhuldyzai Kalybekkyzy, Ph.D


Global climate changes in the 21st century, along with human behavior, affect human values and even lifestyle, which generally leads to a cultural crisis. In this regard, there is a need to develop a long-term strategy aimed at achieving sustainable development in the common universe.

To overcome this crisis, it is very important to unite the scientific and academic community and political scientists, economists and business representatives.

Because it is very important to understand that the concept of consolidation is constructive only when
considering the interrelationship of economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects in a single unity. After all, culture is the main tool in achieving an environmentally sustainable economy.

This program is aimed at developing and implementing effective mechanisms for the development of recreational tourism and algorithms for the conservation and protection of recreational resources in
the region through a comprehensive study of the natural, historical, cultural landscape potential of Alakol within the framework of synergetic paradigms.


a comprehensive comparative analysis of the natural, historical, and cultural landscape potential of the Alakol Basin, and the development and practical implementation of effective mechanisms for enhancing recreational tourism in the region.


– 8 (eight) articles in journals recommended by the CCNVO (in 2025 – 6 articles, in 2026-2 articles);

- at least 6 (six) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed by the Social Science Citation Index or the Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) containing at least 25 (twenty-five) percentiles of Sitescore in the Scopus database (at all stages of the program);

- at least 1 (one) monograph or textbook in foreign and (or) Kazakhstani publications recommended by the academic council and (or) the scientific and technical council of the applicant organization;

- at least 1 (one) patent or 2 (two) copyright certificates registered with the National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- new models for the development of creative tourism in the Abai region;

- A unified model for improving the quality of service for tourists with special needs in the Abai region, in Kazakhstan as a whole;

- algorithms for the introduction of advanced examples of foreign experience in the use, conservation and protection of natural recreational resources into Kazakhstani practice;

- new mechanisms for regulating the conservation and protection of natural recreational resources at the mega (international), macro (state), micro (regional) levels;

- Analytical recommendations on the organization of the integrated use and protection of balneological resources of the sanatorium "Barlyk-Arasan";

- Socio-educational cases on increasing the tourist potential of the Alakol basin, as well as the development of the tourism industry in certain recreational regions of Kazakhstan;

- New models for the development of creative tourism in the Abai region will be developed;

- A unified model for improving the quality of service for tourists with special needs in the Abai region, in Kazakhstan as a whole;

- Regional system of rational use of natural recreational resources of the Alakol basin;

- recommendations have been submitted on improving the balneotherapy and peloidotherapy potential of the Arasan sanatorium;

- Analytical recommendations on the organization of the integrated use and protection of balneological resources of the sanatorium "Barlyk-Arasan";

- algorithms for the introduction of advanced examples of foreign experience in the use, conservation and protection of natural recreational resources into Kazakhstani practice;\

- a model for the introduction into Kazakh practice of new mechanisms for regulating the conservation and protection of natural recreational resources at the mega (international), macro (state), micro (regional) levels;

- Economic and mathematical models for the implementation of various programs for the formation of general tourism, including (recreational tourism) in the Alakol region of the Abai region;

- A roadmap for improving and developing the potential of historical, cultural, ethnographic, ethnogastronomical, resort, and creative tourism in the Abai region

