АР09260305 "Training of teachers in natural science subjects based on the development of innovative models for the design of the educational process in the framework of STEM education and the conditions of trilingualism"



The state program for the development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025 noted:..."As a key competence, students' communication skills in three languages will be developed. There will be a gradual transition to the study of individual subjects in three languages as teachers are ready in schools and taking into account the wishes of students and parents»…. In this direction, in 2020, the most relevant subjects of secondary education are: mathematics, robotics, agricultural engineering, biotechnology, quantum engineering, 3D design. In this regard, it is clear that the training of competent teachers for teaching natural science subjects should be carried out by universities in the near future. At present, there are almost no studies on the problems of training future teachers to master the educational resources of STEAM education and practical (industrial) training of students in higher education.


Scientific justification and development of innovative models for the design of the educational process in the framework of STEM education based on the integrative relationship of natural science subjects in the conditions of trilingualism.


Identification of the potential of scientific and pedagogical personnel The presence of a working group and the creation of short-term lesson plans for the implementation of the STEM education model among the teaching staff Increase in the share of teaching staff who have completed advanced training courses Availability of a regulatory framework in accordance with the requirements of the project (regulations, orders, etc.) Approval of the working curriculum of the discipline of the component of choice, the program of additional education Приобретения Purchase of equipment for STEM laboratories Conclusion of contracts Creation of electronic content of the discipline in the portal АИС Semgu.kz

An article in a peer-reviewed domestic publication recommended by Committee on Quality Assurance in the Field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


1. Purchased equipment for the amount of 2 million tenge for STEM laboratories.

2. Formed the following electronic content of academic disciplines in the AIS Semgu.kz portal:
 "Digital tools and services for creating educational content" (2021, 5 credits) authors: Zholymbaev O.M., Rakhmatullina Z.T. - Faculty of Mathematics for students of the specialty 6В01507 "Informatics and Robotics".
 "Control systems of mechatronic and robotic complexes" (2021, 5 credits) authors: Zholymbaev O.M., Rakhmatullina Z.T., Zhambulatova A.Zh., Ryszhanova A.S., for students of the specialty 6В01507 "Informatics and robotics".
 "Educational robotics at school" (2021, 5 credits) authors: Zholymbaev OM, Umirbaeva S.T., Bolsynbekova Sh.Zh., for students of specialties 6В01501 "Mathematics", 6В01502 "Mathematics-informatics", 6В01503 "Mathematics-Physics", 6В01505 "Physics-Informatics".
 “KTEAM oytudy ұyymdastyrudyk nysandary men disteri” (2021, 5 credits) authors: Ontagarova D.R., tegenov Қ.S., Sadykova R.A., for students of specialties 6В01509 "Chemistry-Biology", 6В01510 "Biology ". (2 semester, 2021-2022 academic year).

3. Models of STEM - education are tested through a cycle of training modules in 4 disciplines of the elective component. Work will continue in 2022 and 2023

4. Coordinated by the tutoring support of the teaching staff of the faculty by the social partner. Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul (Russia). As part of a scientific project, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher Abilmazhinov E.T. and junior researcher Shakerkhan K.O. visited the Altai State Pedagogical University in the city of Barnaul of the Russian Federation, during the visit a working meeting was held under the chairmanship of the vice-rector for educational and international activities of the Altai State Pedagogical University S.P. Volokhov, where the prospects for interaction and formats of cooperation in the context of a scientific project were discussed. An agreement on mutual cooperation was concluded with NazarbayevUniversity represented by Bridget Goodman, doctor, head of the project "Building the pedagogical potential of universities in the training of teachers in the field of STEM in Kazakhstan: scientific and practical partnership" (2021-2023) dated May 27, 2021

5. Two prize competitions were organized for university students. Work will continue in 2022 and 2023 - Competition "Application of digital tools and services for STEM education"; - Competition "Research Cases in Science Education"

6. The progress of the project is published on social networks and the media:

7.From April 15 to May 15, 2021, a survey of teachers of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (EMF) of the Shakarim University of the city of Semey was carried out on the Google electronic platform. The survey was conducted using the following questionnaires: "Questionnaire for identifying basic competencies of teaching staff", "Entrance questionnaire for teaching staff on the implementation of STEM training". 44 EMF teachers took part in the survey. Based on the monitoring results, statistical processing of the material was carried out and recommendations were developed.

8. Published in the peer-reviewed national edition of the KKSON 6 articles.
 Ontagarova D.R., Bayakhmetova B.B., Sapakova A.K. anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 09, 2021 Semey, –S86-87
 Ontagarova D.R., Nurekenova A.N., Sapakova A.K., Salbat G. Zhagartylgan bilim berudegi chemistry of oқulyқtarynyң mazmұny men oқu maқsattary zhүyesinin sәykesestigі museleleri. "Khabarshy / Bulletin" KazNPU named after Abay. Series “Natural and geographical sciences. No. 1 (67), 2021 -B. 106-113
 Sapakova A.K., Ontagarova D.R., Saduova M.K., Nurekenova A.N. "Khabarshy / Bulletin" KazNPU named after Abay. Series “Natural and geographical sciences. No. 1 (68), 2021 -B. 91-97
 Sapakova A.K., Ontagarova D.R., Belyalova T.B., Nurekenova A.N. Khimiyalyk pәnderdі ogytu barysynda ornatilғan keri baylanys dis tusilderinin erekshelikterі. "Khabarshy / Bulletin" KazNPU named
after Abay. Series “Natural and geographical sciences. No. 1 (68), 2021 -B. 17-23
 Sapakova A.K., Ontagarova D.R., Isenova M.K., Nurekenova A.N. "Beyorganikalyk chemistry theoryyk negіzderi" pәni boyinsha elektrondyқ onu-әdistemelik kralyn krastyrudyk didacticals aspectіleri.
"Khabarshy / Bulletin" KazNPU named after Abay. Series “Natural and geographical sciences. No. 1 (68), 2021 -B. 23-29
 Nurekenova A.N., Ontagarova D.R., Murzabekova A.K.,Sapakova A.K., Theeffectiveness of the use of test items in the study of the discipline "Phys

Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Абильмажинов Ермек Толегенович

    Scopus Id: 56880267300

    Researcher Id: 4178-2021

    ORCID: 0000-0001-7344-0975


  • Fullname: Шакерхан Капан Оралгазыулы

    Scopus Id: 57219107968

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 0000-0001-5013-1226


  • Fullname: Онтагарова Динар Рахымовна

    Scopus Id: 000

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9096-3729


  • Fullname: Садыкова Райгуль Алимгазовна

    Scopus Id: 000

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 0000-0003-4862-7489


  • Fullname: Нұрақова Гүлім Омартайқызы

    Scopus Id: 000

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9534-8899


  • Fullname: Қапанова Назым Жайлаухан қызы

    Scopus Id: 000

    Researcher Id: 000

    ORCID: 000_-____-____-____


  • Fullname: Анияров Альмир Аскарович

    Scopus Id: 41761038800

    Researcher Id: 7735-201

    ORCID: 0000-0003-4786-1556
