Jumazhanova Madina

Head of the Center


Аbay region, Semey, Glinka str., 20 "A"
Room: 406

Student Service Center

Main activities:

Main activities:
The Student Service Center is a structural subdivision of the Department of Educational
Process Organization of the NAO "Shakarim University of Semey".

The main goal of the center is to create conditions for high-quality service for students, including
online, timely and effective one-stop service.
To solve the tasks set, the Center performs the following functions:

- Acceptance of applications in the electronic document management system of the university for the issuance of a certificate to the State Educational Center on the confirmation of the training of students;
- Acceptance of applications in the electronic document management system of the university for the provision of certificates at the place of the requirement to confirm the amount or absence of scholarships, tuition fees;
- Processing of movement and turnover of documents in the following directions;
- Accounting, registration, analysis of the movement of the contingent of students in AIS "Platonus";
- Organization of the formation of personal files of students by academic groups;
- Announcement of vacant places for vacant grants released due to the expulsion of students;
- Organization of transfer from other universities, to another specialty and restoration of students;
- Execution of contracts for the provision of educational services with students (transferred / restored);
- Registration and booking of conscripts and conscripts;
- Registration of foreign students, trainees, guests;
- Registration of study and work visas for foreign students, trainees, employees;
- Registration of permanent, temporary registration in the PSC of students, employees living in the university dormitory;
- Preparation of draft orders on the contingent and the educational process.

  • Urkunbayeva Oryngul
    Leading Specialist

  • Kuspekova Zhannur

  • Mukatayeva Almagul
    Leading Specialist

  • Dauletbek Gulfairuz

