press office of Shakarim University03 april 2024сотрудничество, халықаралық ынтымақтастық


Shakarim University prioritizes international collaboration, boasting 50 established agreements and memorandums of cooperation with esteemed universities and research institutions globally.

In this regard, students of the educational program "construction" of the educational institution, Professor of the Warsaw Polytechnic University of Poland, PhD., Dr.Sc ., Agnieshka Dabska gives lectures.

The visiting professor is a prominent figure in the global construction industry, specializing in hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, and building structures. Professor Agnieshka Dabska was introduced to the life and works of renowned Kazakh scientists Abai, Shakarim, and Mukhtar Auezov during her visit to Semey, including a tour of the Abai Museum.

Warsaw Polytechnic University, founded in 1826 and recognized in Europe and around the world, is constantly increasing its contribution to international educational and research projects. Today, the university consists of the School of International Business and 20 faculties covering all fields of technology.There are plans to enhance collaboration with this university.There are plans to enhance collaboration with this university.

Absence of work and abudance of food shall degade mankind.

Abay Kunanbaev

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