15 april 2024

Оnline broadcast with a crisis psychologist

The head of the psychological service, Professor Sh.Satieva took part in an online broadcast with a crisis psychologist on 04/15/2024. The event was organized by the Association of HR Managers, to support its members and anyone who needs help.

The main purpose of this broadcast is how to help yourself and your colleagues cope with the emotional challenges that arise during floods. He will share tips on stress management, resource development and creating a supportive environment in the organization

Moderator: Valiullov Ildar, head of the "School of Development", expert in the field of human development, Gestalt therapist.

Speaker: Aliya Kamidullovna Baizdrakhmanova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Master of Social Sciences, specialist in the field of crisis conditions, consultant of the Hotline.

Practical tools and recommendations were received to provide psychological support to employees and themselves during this difficult period.