It is worth mentioning that under the collaboration framework faculty of Shakarim University passed their scientific internships at the University of Economics in Bydgoszcz.
The University of Economics in Bydgoszcz is the curator of the RITA (Region in Transition) program, which aims to have a cardinal impact on the development and changes in the regions of the RITA participating countries. Within the framework of this program, a grandiose project “Algorithm for self-diagnosis of breast cancer” is being carried out. This project involved about 200 teaching staff of Shakarim University and Semey Medical University, who underwent specialized training in Bydgoszcz.
At the second stage of the program, the Polish delegation of the RITA project will visit Shakarim University. During the visit, an open conference and a day of "Breast Cancer" will be held, where the famous Polish oncologist will talk about methods of self-diagnosis to the general public. Follow our publications so as not to miss more detailed information.

Absence of work and abudance of food shall degade mankind.

Abay Kunanbaev

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