press office of Shakarim University19 january 2024ппс, ученые, зимняя школа, развитие


The Winter School for Shakarim University faculty on the topic "Transformation of the role of a teacher: teacher, scientist, moderator" has ended today. Information, practical seminars, anti-conferences, brainstorming, trainings, master classes, as well as round tables at the regional, interuniversity and faculty levels were held throughout the week. In particular, such topics as "Development of the scientific potential of teaching staff: mastering best practices in foreign scientific organizations", "School of Advisors", as well as the anti-conference "Fundamentals of organizing students' experience: experience, problems and development prospects" were considered. Together with JSC NCPC "Orleu", a seminar was held for the teaching staff on the topic "Active forms of education", during which certificates were awarded to the participants.
In addition, seminars and brainstorming were held on the topics "Rules for participation in scientific competitions", "Web of Science, Scopus, ORCID databases as a means of managing a scientist's scientific profile" and "Interdisciplinary scientific research", as well as master classes "Laboratory analysis of feed using a photocolorimeter" and "Methods of scientific research in materials science". 
The final day of the Winter School was held in the format of a panel discussion on participation among the teaching staff "Organizational Design". The achievements of universities, which traditionally occupy the highest positions in international rankings, are explained by many factors, including an effective management system.
It is known that the world's leading universities are implementing the shared governance model - "participation in university management". Sharing ideas will help all university groups feel like partners, not performers. This stimulates the desire of scientists for higher educational and research priorities, the creation of new knowledge and the development of innovations.
In order to develop cognitive activity and cooperation of the participants, an intellectual game "Ush anyk", physical dances were held. This event ended in the Networking format. The goal of the Winter School, which was to increase the efficiency of the organization of internal processes in quality assurance, was achieved. 
The final panel discussion on the topic "Organizational design" showed the effectiveness of the participation of all members in the management of the university. Thus, the participants agreed that the model of joint management is important for the inclusion of all groups of the university community in the decision-making process.

Think not of profit6 but of honor

Abay Kunanbaev

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