press office of Shakarim University23 february 2024білім, ғылым, академиялық ұтқырлық


Currently, 27 students of Shakarim University study at universities in Turkey, South Korea, Uzbekistan and Poland, as well as 52 foreign students are at a regional university.
The development of cooperation with foreign partners is one of the main strategic directions of Shakarim University. Academic mobility is the most important part of integration into the Global Educational and Scientific Space. 

"The academic mobility of our students and staff contributes to the intensive mutual enrichment of culture between peoples, and also allows us to attract advanced foreign experience to our region. Over three years, more than 110 students have visited the USA, Turkey, Poland, South Korea, etc. In the future, about 30 university professors will conduct lectures at universities in Turkey and Uzbekistan. This is a huge opportunity for a regional university," emphasizes Duman Orynbekov, Rector of Shakarim University.

Shakarim University implements close collaboration with universities of Central and Southeast Asia: Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi (Uzbekistan) and Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry (China).
The result of cooperation with the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry of China is the opening of a double master's degree program in the field of Food Technology. Today, 5 undergraduates of this university study at Shakarim University. Undergraduates study biotechnology, the basics of scientific research and the world of Abai in English.
In the future, the two universities plan to develop mutually beneficial scientific cooperation in the field of Food science and veterinary medicine. Within the framework of scientific cooperation, laboratories will be opened and joint research projects and double-degree programs will be developed.

"We got acquainted with the history of Shakarim University. No matter how many places we saw during this time, the modern and full-fledged equipment of the research center was amazing. The university teachers enthusiastically welcomed and took care of us. During a visit to the Abai Museum, we got acquainted with the philosophy of the great Kazakh writer, learned his story and attitude to life.  We thank the university management for conducting the tour and increasing our interest," said Gong Yanou, a representative of the Chinese university.

Absence of work and abudance of food shall degade mankind.

Abay Kunanbaev

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