press office of Shakarim University08 april 2024ғылым, неделя науки, серіктестік


Today, as part of the opening of the Science Week, Shakarim University hosted a regional meetup on the topic "High-tech production is the basis for the development of the Abai region." Traditionally, Shakarim University organizes a Science Week for the day of scientists. The event started with an exhibition of scientific achievements with the participation of enterprises of the city "SHAKARIM EXPO – 2024". The opening ceremony was attended by the Akimat of the Abai region, the university administration, social partners, representatives of the city's schools, regional museums, faculty and students. 

This event brought together leading scientists, teachers, students, representatives of local government and business to discuss together the future of scientific and technological progress in the region.  In particular, representatives of the Akimat of the Abai region, EMC LLP, Semey Engineering JSC, Kazakh Research Institute, Institute of Processing and Food Industry LLP, Spektromart LLP took part. 

The meetup was organized to stimulate dialogue between the scientific community and the industrial sector of the Abai region. Earlier, the university held a dialogue platform, bringing together representatives of the "industry-university-government". Special attention is paid to the integration of scientific research and development into production processes, which is the key to improving the competitiveness and economic development of the region. Important issues related to the development of high-tech production, including innovations in the field of agronomy, agriculture and the processing industry, were raised. 

Thus, a large meat processing plant is planned to be launched in the Abai region in 2025. The company will supply products for export and to the domestic market. Representatives of this enterprise expressed interest in conducting joint research innovations with the university, retraining courses in the field of veterinary medicine. Stressing the need to strengthen ties between university laboratories and industrial enterprises for the effective implementation of scientific achievements in production.

The regional meetup at Shakarim University highlighted the importance of high-tech production for the sustainable development of the Abai region. The event revealed the potential of the region in the field of scientific research and innovation, and also contributed to strengthening the partnership between the academic sector, business and government. The participants expressed confidence that the intensification of high-tech production will become a driver of economic growth and improve the quality of life in the region. The event showed that the joint efforts of the university, industry and government can lead to significant positive changes in the economy and social sphere of the Abai region.

The days of the science week are very important for the development of a modern university, they help students enter into research work, ensure continuity in the development of scientific schools, combine the best traditions with innovations.  Within the framework of science week, it is planned to open scientific schools, organize seminars and trainings, conferences, master classes and excursions.

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